Saturday, 29 November 2008
Seven Steps
There are seven steps between this old worn-out paradigm, and the freshness and joy of a new life in the new paradigm. These steps must be taken by each individual, but much assistance becomes available from others striving towards the same ends.
The great thing is that, once the goal is attained, all the striving stops, and we are able to allow our spirit to take total control, without interference from the mind. We can now truly use the mind as a tool, and not be used as if we were a tool.
The first step is to look at the foundations of our own thinking.We discover that it is a mish-mash of parental advice, education system indoctrination, fashion and teenage cults, social thinking, TV programs and movies, and our own feelings.
Once we have seriously considered the logical coincidence of these foundations, we suddenly conclude that we are standing on very shaky ground.
We need a more reliable method of regulating equilibrium.
So we begin to align our thoughts and deeds with our natural surroundings. We begin to avoid unnatural surroundings. We begin to make nature our controller of equilibrium.
Step two. Now that we know where we are going, and that we are definitely on the right path, because everything that has gone before us has walked the same path, then everything around us begins to change. Our friends begin to change. They either change in themselves, in that they too begin to walk the same natural path, or we change our friends, by dropping those who cannot see for those who can.
Step three is to begin to develop new communities. Agreements will be achieved with land owners for small portions of land on which a small community can thrive.
Step four is to overcome the remaining difficulties experienced as a result of the new lifestyle. As our technology and science will also have adjusted its path to follow the lead of nature, and provided us with the few solutions that were missing. Advanced permaculture, and free energy devices help to remove many burdens.
Step five is a tidying up process, as all remnants of non-natural society are brought into line.
Step six is to begin to advance society way beyond that of any previous society, and step seven is the preparations for the next plane of consciousness.
Comments please.
Friday, 28 November 2008
Warnings of Food Riots Resulting from Global Economic Crisis
Global Research, November 27, 2008
The headline of an article on Bloomberg warns "Food Prices Will Rise, Causing Export Bans, Riots".
Leading economist Nouriel Roubini warns of possible food riots.
The Financial Times points out that farmers rely on credit, and credit is drying up.
One of the top experts on derivatives, economist Nassim Nicholas Taleb, warns that supermarkets may not be able to borrow against their inventory, and will thus be forced to shut down.
I hope they're wrong. But when experts like Roubini and Taleb warn of a potential problem, I have to listen.
There are too many people struggling in this world.
Life could be very different, for everyone.
If it was possible for everyone to see why they are struggling, then it would be possible for each person to do something about easing the pain themselves.
The problem at the root of all this struggling is secrecy.
In a civilised world secrecy is seen as what it really is.........
There are so many things hidden from public view, such as secret service departments which are like an octopus's tentacles around the world, the people who hold most of the wealth of the planet but who never declare how much they hold, and a few powerful people with ulterior motives but who hide what they are really trying to do.
How can we as a race possibly go forwards, when we have no idea in which direction we are facing. (John Lennon)
This so-called financial crisis is nothing more than a crowd of very rich and very powerful people, juggling with some numbers in computers, and succeeding in making chaos out of everyone's lives, so that they can buy up the resultant ruins at fire-damaged prices, and become even more rich, and even more powerful.
In a civilised world, this kind of behaviour can no longer be tolerated.
If we are to even make a start on becoming a civilised race, we must get rid of all the secrecy.
Brave people have tried to do this in the past, and have died for their bravery.
But that is because they were too afraid to publicise their own secrecy-disposal ideas.
We suggest that the idea of "disposing of secrecy" should become the centre of public debate.
We feel sure that the earth provides sufficient for everyone to have a happy life, and if we could get rid of all the secrecy, then we also feel sure that we have sufficient intelligence to make sure that everyone gets a fair shot at a happy life.
So let this be the start of a new "Open Secrets" campaign.
Let's get the newspapers and TV talking about some of these open secrets. Then we might have half a chance of delving into the closed secrets.
What is the truth about UFOs?
Do vaccinations really cause autism?
Are cell-phones really dangerous?
These are the kind of things that the public should know, not have to be guessing at.
If everyone reading this takes one step towards opening a secret, then very soon all secrets will be open, and we will be able to see where we really stand.
Then we can begin to move forwards - and not before.
Thursday, 27 November 2008
So much stuff happening
There is just so much stuff happening at the moment that any kind of prediction or even plan is inevitably flawed.
On the material plane, the balance of power is moving from the rich to the poor, as the necessity for more simple lives becomes apparent.
On the mental plane, new technology, and revelations of previously secret technology are making keeping up to date an impossible task.
On the spiritual plane, understandings are broadening - more of what was previously considered as fantasy is being accepted as reality, and the whole foundation upon which man's mind has been based is now sliding away like a tectonic plate, meanwhile being replaced by another plate sliding into the same place.
We will be the same people, but standing in a different land, just as the founding fathers of America were over two hundred years ago.
We have the benefit of seeing what worked, and what didn't work, and we can start all over again in a similar, but very different manner.
There will be leaders. These will be the great thinkers who will construct a plan that they feel is the most suitable for mankind, given all that we have learned so far.
But there will be far more contributors.
The people at the new era design table will be from all advanced walks of life, and will include senior politicians, senior academics, senior healers, senior scientists, senior monks and clergy, senior permaculturists, and representatives of our alien visitors, all of whom will be giving their time and experience to design a new societal organisation.
They will not be promoting the same values as the previous modern era.
They will be promoting the love of nature, and embodying the wonders of the harmony of nature into the harmony of society.
There will be no need for activist protests, as everyone will be an activist.
The aims at all levels of decision making, and at all points of the planet, will be to attain the most advanced levels of evolution that man can reasonably agree upon.
Our new advanced educational institutions will be places for advanced thought. The copying, duplication, or even lengthy study of other peoples thoughts will be seriously discouraged. Any plagiarism of thought will be only on the basis of advancing that thought, if the thinker feels that the logical conclusion has not yet been reached. Our foundations of thought will have changed, making all previous thoughts irrelevant.
This is where the present press reports are not yet encouraging. They spend considerable time, trouble, typing and trees discussing nit-picking considerations, but rarely extending those considerations to their logical conclusion. The present flock of journalists is significantly short of visionaries.
It is because these short-thinking propaganda producers are unable to see over or through the wall, that the thinking of the general populace is so limited.
When we have a truthful and sincere investigative press, then everyone will understand far more of what is happening around them.
The different levels of understanding will be brought much closer, along with the differences between class and affluence levels.
So many thinkers are still limiting their thoughts by institutionalised prejudices, that the really higher levels of understanding are struggling to bud and blossom.
If we can adopt the kind of frontier thinking that has naturally pushed man's evolution forwards, we can see that the world is our oyster, and that we have a blank page.
There is nothing to prevent us from copying from the previous page, but it must be done carefully, with full and due consideration of the failures of the past era.
We will realise that we share this planet not only with several different species of earthbound man, thousands of species of earthbound fauna and flora, and at least 57 species of visitors from other planets, galaxies, and the hollow earth, but also with billions of spiritual entities about which little or nothing is understood..
It is only when this information is publicly clarified and understood that we can begin to consider the best way for us all to live together in harmony.
We will have moved past the situation where we will allow a few mischievous individuals to take over our power, and we will have moved towards the situation where we are able to truly utilise a greater potential of spirit.
The Tibetan Llamas will contribute their knowledge of the control of mind over matter, and the methods required to gain these abilities will become publicly available.
All the secret technology that has been kept under wraps by the military, and additional alien technology, will become publicly available.
All the knowledge regarding methods, chemicals and devices that can cause interference in the spiritual electro-magnetic interfaces will be gathered, and certain "conveniences' abandoned.
With less tension and less pressure, due to greater harmony and less power in more hands, fear will be removed, and we will slide comfortably into the era of love.
It is only when a majority of people realise that not only is this a possibility, but is the most likely scenario, that we will begin to let go of our old fashioned ideas.
Our new ideas will most likely include:
No war.
No armed forces.
No central governments.
Everyone understanding that they are a spirit.
Ego and desire are being brought under control.
The natural desire to help and be helped being fostered.
The longevity of the human race being extended.
Comments and criticisms please
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
The immediate prospects for the planet
By Lee Frolich
The immediate prospects for the planet...especially in USA...
The only constant is change. That which goes up must eventually come down. There will be many a hurtful, significant change in the extravagant, ignorant lifestyles of the many who lived off credit. They have no choice, they must learn to live a more modest lifestyle. In a recent survey---USA people used to spend $800 for Christmas plan to spend $200. The so many are fearful and are beginning to save some money...have discovered, the hard way, it is necessary to have some cash available.
The current financial crises all over the world is a valuable lesson to all---learn to save some cash...control our Ego-generated desire for more wealth, power and control...keep our businesses solvent, don't try to grow too fast by using credit to enhance business growth. Learn that numbers on a piece of paper showing how much money you have in the stock market, how much money you have in retirement, savings accounts...are no more than numbers on a piece of paper...have meaning only when those numbers are converted to cash in hand.
People are learning the hard way, do not trust banks...stock markets are the worst gamble in this not allow some financial management business to manage your money!! Learn to manage your money by yourself!! Start paying attention to what is happening in your own country and other countries. Learn or perish is the order of the day!
I am confident that there will be no Great Depression in USA or anywhere else. Recession...maybe very serious...Yes. Great Depression, No. I am confident that a new world order is happening...but certainly not the kind the doom sayers envision!
Peoples and governments worldwide are learning that indeed we are all in a global economy...and ain't got no choice...must learn to function in a harmonious way with each other!! The entire worldwide financial systems must change!! The financial systems and the large corporations must be stringently controlled...worldwide... by governments using some form of common sense to keep them from running wild...the Ego Greed for evermore wealth, power and control must be controlled! Nations must learn that united we stand, divided we fall. No nation...can function independently...can function only in harmony with each other. Such is the New it or not!
Even China is learning...100's of 1000's of small and medium sized businesses are closing their shops or producing less...because worldwide peoples can no longer buy their products. In general terms most people worldwide will learn to live a more modest it or not!!
USA automobile companies are an excellent example---the unions have forced upon them...the average employee is receiving $65 an hour salary.
Employees building competitive vehicles receive an average of $35 an hour. Such is the global economy. Doesn't take much smarts to understand that if USA employees are not willing to work for $35 an hour, soon they got no jobs. And...hotshot managers and CEO"s must also learn to live a more modest more outrageous salaries, bonuses, corporate jets, etc... or they also will have no jobs. Such is the effect of a global it or not! This applies in manner same for management and CEOs of all large corporations! The rich became richer and the poor became poorer...that will be modified! There Will always be some rich and some poor among us...but...the difference in disparity will be less. It cannot be any other way!
It will take a few years for all I mentioned above to finally settle down into a New World Order way of life. These changes are inevitable! There will be resistance...and will take some time to learn there is no other way. And there will be many a heartbreak...many a great sadness when peoples finally learn to live within their means or perish. The "upper" middle class and "middle" class USA citizen traded their car every 3 years for a new are saying I will keep the one I have for more than 3 buy a new computer every 3 years, no buy a new TV every 3 content with the one they more buy a new wardrobe every with the clothes they have...big change in the lives of many millions of USA peoples!!
As long as there is a global economy...and such will not change...there is no choice other than to learn to live within the demands of a global economy. Wal-Mart eliminated 100's of 1000's of small local mom-and-pop shops. Now, the same is happening to larger businesses if they cannot learn to compete with global competition. USA aircraft business and European aircraft businesses will soon be in same serious trouble as are the automakers. China is now manufacturing a mid-sized airplane...has orders for over 200 of them which includes 50 USA is buying. China will have a large airplane to compete with the Airbus and Boeing's 747 within 2-3 years...airplanes of best, modern design, use less fuel and cost much less than Airbus and Boeing.
USA and EU financial and business control of the world is definitely shifting to Asia...and ain't nothing the western nations can do about it! This will take some years to be finalized...and will affect all Caucasians in western nations in a somewhat detrimental manner...10 years from now the western nation's people's lifestyle will be significantly changed!! Such is the result of the New Word Order...powered by a global economy.
I speak not in negative manner...I speak not of doom or gloom...I speak only of the reality of the times to come.
There is a balance among all things! They cannot justify management, CEO's, salaries and perks of the energy companies, the stock market and the financial institutions will be more in balance with employee salaries. There will be a leveling out process...some significant changes in lifestyles...worldwide. Some of the old established businesses will learn to compete in a word market or will perish! The old established lifestyles of many will change...peoples will learn to live within their means or perish. Stock markets, personal credit use, bank's methods of functioning will change or perish. This is the New World Order that the global economy is beginning to create. It will come slowly, it will come with much emotional turmoil and distress among the millions of peoples, and so it will be.
Just as the European countries learned that they must unite to survive and did the will many other nations learn they must work in harmony with each other if they wish to survive. China is leading the world with trips all over this world doing the many harmonious, trade agreements with all nations with no concern or care about the nature of their governments...shows all equal respect with no discrimination. And those world nations will do the more and more trade with the best, mutual benefit for each other. They will survive! If USA learns not to do the same...USA will not is just that simple!!
I remember when people bought DeSotos, Packards, Plymouths...when Winchester and Colt were # 1...when people bought Piper and Cessna single engine propeller driven airplanes...when a real estate contract was one piece of paper...when stock insurance companies were # 1 in USA...when people who lived in trailer houses were considered trailer trash people...when divorce was the worst personal shame...when queers were queers, faggots...when I could buy a bottle of Jax, or pearl or lone star beer for 25 cents...a gallon of gas was 29 cents...when there was no air conditioning for houses, no TV or computers, etc and etc.
My point is---Change is the only constant and the taller they are, the harder they fall. USA was the tallest and it will fall the hardest...but it will survive...and...the average lifestyle in USA will see some serious change...and is most doubtful that it will ever return to the manner in which it was. Such is the reality of being a part of a global economy that was allowed to run amok when regulations were withdrawn from the financial institutions, the stock market and other parts of the economy.
Know this as a for sure!----
1) USA people are very resilient! We will survive this financial crises and the most will be better off for it...will have learned the lesson the hard way.
2) Finally, the EU economists are saying publicly which they have been saying privately---the major EU nations, Germany, France, especially the British governments, allowed their financial institutions and stock markets to function in more wild manner than USA companies. USA is not the major culprit in what has happened! Basically, USA is the world leader and leads the financial disasters...only started what was going to happen anyway in Europe... which has spread worldwide.
3) Major changes are happening...worldwide...some will be mistakes, some will be of great benefit...the realization that indeed we are all in a global economy is coming as a serious, surprising news to most all peoples and their governments. Whoops! Whot happened? Surprise!
4) There is developing a togetherness among most world governments such as has never been before. And is a very good maybe---The EU and USA will form a togetherness...Asian nations will form their togetherness...other countries will join one of the two...they will have their own form of currency...their own block of economic power...and who knows where this will lead. This has much potential for the greatest benefit to all! No one nation can be the hotshot # 1 nation in this world! Tiz time USA has learned to work in harmony with other nations...let go of it's arrogant, imperialistic desires to control the world...and no more do the wars.
5) Finally, I am hearing the most important word from western national leaders...their advisers and consultants...the word never spoken before now. That word is GREED! So many peoples are now saying...the Greed among big businesses is a reality, we need to know that it exists and we must find rules and regulations to keep that Greed in control!!
6) In many ways the economic crises is a blessing! Finally, the nations of this world realize they must learn to work in harmony with each other...they must find the ways to control the Greed that is part of human nature...businesses must learn how to function within a global economy...there must be a more harmonious way for management and employees to perform their functions. And the peoples must learn to live a contented lifestyle and live within their means. They must learn to control their Ego and their within their means...or they shall perish! To the many this will be a shocking, emotionally hurtful awareness...many will survive, some won't. Such is life! Either accept and adapt, or perish. And so it has always been...and will continue to be.
7) There is no doubt that our current President has never had an original thought...possesses no awareness of what he has done...has been the unaware stooge of those who told him what to do. And has no idea of what to do now.
8) The president elect is an extremely intelligent person...very aware of what has happened, the how and why of making some quality decisions...and aware it will take some years to enhance the USA economy...if Congress will back him...will indeed create many jobs for USA peoples. He will restore some credibility and respect for USA, worldwide...and will work in harmony with other nations as much as congress will allow him to do. He knows this will take some years to finalize. More than anything, he is presenting Hope to the USA peoples.
9) I personally, totally disregard the many nay sayers among us! Yes, there will be some hard times ahead of us...yet much of it is positive. USA peoples are very resilient...big changes will come...with passage of time be essentially positive although there will be much emotional hurt among the many, but not all. When all is said and done...we will all be better of for what is happening now. Much of what should have been done for many years and was ignored...has become reality...and the many necessary changes are on their way! Like it or not, so it shall be!
10) I am encouraged to hear the EU national leaders in public now say we know the war in Iraq was purely an attempt to grab the Iraq oil and such wars must stop. The power of the sword must stop! Bottom line...among other things...USA's imperialism has come to an end!
11) Yes...the new World Order has come! The unbridled Greed among big businesses must and will be controlled. Peoples have learned that the stock markets are no more than a roll of the dice in Las Vegas...other means of accumulating wealth must and will be created.
Peoples will learn to live within their means...Ego must also be controlled. Nations worldwide will learn to function with each other in a more harmonious manner...nationalism is on it's way out. There will most probably be a western and an eastern nations power block. Currencies other than the USA dollar will gain in strength...USA dollar no more be the hotshot # 1 currency in this world. USA will no more be hotshot # 1 in this world...will be one of several important nations within the western power block...and learn to work in harmony or perish. The global economy will become ever more the primary nation be will hotshot # 1 any more. Those who can learn to live in harmony with such will survive. Those who will not adjust to this will perish...not completely, but will end up being a relatively small near to 3rd world country.
Yes, the new World Order has was inevitable with the ever more global economy. I heard a very wise lady on CCTV 9 yesterday mention...because of the so huge consumerism in USA...USA has sparked and significantly contributed to the global economy...and failed to become a part of it. Whoops. Surprise! Enjoy...positive Lee.
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
The Evolution of the Business Ostrich
The Evolution of the Business Ostrich
For those few who have managed to avoid or escape the business world, it is difficult to imagine the vastly different mind set.
It is as far away from centre on the one side as academia is on the other, balanced by medicine in the north, and military in the south.
Every one of these mind sets is verging on the lunatic, but those possessing the mindset are unable to recognise the phenomenon.
Let's try to delve inside the business mindset.
I take as my example Kentucky Fried Chicken, as they used to be called when they sold chicken, but now known as KFC.
In my days of youth, I was asked to design a computer system to help with the administration of a KFC franchise.
It was fascinating. We did a complete and detailed stock control system. Data was available to show how much oil was required to destroy one portion of fries. But the really amazing thing was the control of the stationery.
Each portion of food sold was placed in a specific kind of container, so it was possible to make a reasonable assessment of portions sold by controlling the number of boxes used.
Thus the status of the lowly box was raised above that of the food. I believe the results of this policy change are self-demonstrable.
And yes, in order to control the use of ingredients, we did learn the secret recipe.
I signed to say that I would never reveal it, but morally I think to do so should be considered an act of terrorism.
OK Now that we are in the business mindset, we can see that the world revolves around money, profit, competition, performance reviews, peer reviews, salary reviews, and a whole pile of refuse. For those entrepreneurial types out there, here's a little secret.
America has enormous secret reserves, held in dumpsters outside every supermarket. There is enough quality food there to give all the kids in Africa an absolutely mind blowing Christmas dinner, with a constant on-going daily supply of nourishing food.
But not one person in the world can be arsed to arrange it.
That is a measure of the reality of the business world.
However, gradually, as the cherries begin to disappear from their Pymm's Number Threes, they feel a kick in the arse, and realise that they have had their head buried in the busines sand, and the great awakening begins.
Monday, 24 November 2008
Cars with nowhere to go
Today I have heard the news that there are
Cars with nowhere to go in Long Beach harbor, California. Japanese ones!
There are stories about ships all over the world stacking up in exporting countries, anchored, and not able to sail because they cannot get letters of credit for the shipments. Hong Kong was mentioned as having rows and rows of loaded but idled ships stuck there.
The same goes for oil tankers, lines of them anchored even though they are full, with no buyers. There has been a screeching halt of shipping worldwide. Products are backing up in Asia.
Many of you have heard about the collapse of the Baltic Dry index, a shipping index for containers. It has fallen from over 11,000 in July to around 800, in only a couple of months!
I haven't yet seen anyone with any projections from here on in.
So I will make some.
I have some knowledge of how production lines, and 'just-in-time" stock keeping work.
Most large production lines have been working on and honing just-in-time stock control for many years.
The theory of just-in-time stock control is that goods arrive just before they are needed. This avoids holding large quantities of stock, thus reducing the required working capital.
I have always wondered what might be the situation if a few essential components began to arrive "just-too-late'.
It is obvious that the goods held on these ships are going to arrive too late.
Let's take an example of building a car.
We have a production line chugging along at the set speed, with all the components in the right place at the right time, and then suddenly, we run out of wheels. We can no longer roll the cars off the end of the line. The only thing we can do is to stop the line.
Meanwhile, all the other components are still arriving as ordered, very soon all storage space is full, and there is no way to unload the trucks. So, like the boats, the trucks begin to line up.
Now, there are insufficient trucks to carry other goods, so other factories begin to back-up their facilities until there is no longer anywhere for storage, and no alternative but to cease production.
Within just two or three days, almost every factory will be at a standstill, with no foreseeable chance of reopening. And this includes factories with a healthy order book and cash customers.
Many people are now spending the last money they will earn for a very long time.
As soon as imported food is in short supply in the supermarkets, there will be an increased rate of purchasing of local fresh produce. But there is no way of speeding up growing times, so fresh produce will soon be in short supply, even if transport is available,.
People will begin to go hungry.
Civil disturbance and riots will break out.
Martial law will be initiated, world wide.
Cities will become filthy and disease ridden,
Many people will die.
Projected timescale - before Christmas - world wide!!!
Do you get it yet?
Best regards
The ex-city dweller
Now what do we do from here?
Friday, 21 November 2008
Menopause, the mid-life crisis, or vibrational change?
As our overall or average vibration moves from one level to the next, and becomes more subtle, it is the same as being reborn into the same body.
But we really are a different person.
Gradually, our friends and relations will begin to notice this, and we will drift apart. This is the first step in drifting towards the higher level horizons.
Realising this enables us to avoid holding back.
Initially we are reluctant to move on - to leave all that we are familiar with, and to have no real plan or understanding of where we are really going.
But we have gained faith. We no longer think or feel the same as we did.
We understand that there is a power much greater than ourselves, and we are prepared to bow down to it.
We make daily efforts to maintain contact with this power, and we are no longer interested in the childish games of so-called civilised man!
We can see through the mists that cloud the people's vision, and we can observe their circular motions.
We know that our path is laid out for us, and we know that we will follow it, but we also know that it is a never ending path.
So after our initial eagerness to attempt to reach the end of the path, we learn to smell the roses as we walk, with no hurry to get anywhere.
We often come across a fork in the path.
A quick reference to the great power - with an immediate response - provides sufficient information for us to choose the best path, and so our navigational problems in life are eased.
We don't know where we are going, and we don't care.
In short, the nearest we can get to our highest potential, is to not give a suck!
And I am almost there!
How about you?
The moral of this story is can be expressed in three words:
"Let it be"
or in the words of one of our sages "Bring it on"
Friday, 14 November 2008
Government and independent thought
Closing down
When the human body is confronted with adverse conditions, it has an amazing way of becoming accustomed to the pain. In fact, it closes down certain facilities in order to survive.
The first time I realised this was when I naively bought my first house.
It was about 100 years old, a mid-terraced in an up market English suburban village, across the road from a main railway line. I checked out everything, even taking into consideration the train times.
The first night I slept there, I was awakened at 2.30 am with the whole house shaking, as a very long and very heavy freight train was lumbering by. It was intolerable. But by the third night, I became accustomed to it, and was never awakened again!
Almost all present day governments came into being as a result of bloody conflict. They were born out of war, and their roots lie in war. We have become accustomed to war. We have closed down our minds regarding war. 'It's not my war' – 'as long as it's in another land it does not affect me' – are the kind of comments we hear every day.
As civilisation progresses, it begins to abhor war.War belongs to a comparatively low level of consciousness, not much above that of the animals from which we have evolved.
As we each gradually progress along our journey towards personal enlightenment, we realise that our true mission is to help all those who are following us along the path. Furthermore, we realise that the best way to help, is to pass on the advice that we are receiving from those who have preceded us.
All messages from advanced societies indicate that war is a limiting factor to planetary evolution. In order for a planet to evolve, there has to be a solid single accord that overrides all other, and while ever war exists, the achievement of this accord is not possible.
So I believe that we should all throw our weight behind those campaigning for a cessation of war. If war ceases, then all the other abominations of government mismanagement will cease also.
Once war is removed from the planet, then all the benefits of having a government cease to exist. With no war, we have no need to defend against each other. We can pool the world's resources into the advancement of beneficial science, and completely abandon all work on destructive technology.
We no longer need armies, navies, air forces, secret services, administration and service departments for the fore-going.
If we are in tune with our planet's feelings in any way, we can immediately imagine the reduction in planetary tension created by the abolishment of these departments and there tools of death.
Of course that would mean that all the corporations which are so totally dependent on defence spending, would cease to be of any benefit to mankind.
We discover that the problem of war is in fact - government - and the only way that war will ever cease on this planet, is when government ceases.
This change of balance marks the transition point indicated by a sufficient number of humans who have gained the ability to control themselves, so that they no longer need to be controlled by others. The need for a governing body therefore becomes obsolete.
The problem with the acceptance of this idea is that the collective consciousness of mankind has become so engrained with the concept of government, for so long, that any conception of a world without government is immediately ridiculed - (the first stage of the acceptance of truth.)
In order to get a full perspective on this, then we could try to view government from the same viewpoint as those who finance government, being the few private banking families who control the central reserve bank of most nations.
Reported quotations from these families help to put this whole idea into context.
Rothschild's mother was quoted as saying 'If my sons didn't want war there would be no war'.
Mayer Amschel Bauer, who founded the Rothschild family is reported as saying, 'Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws'
His son, Amschel Mayer Rothschild is reported as saying, 'Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.'
And another son, Nathan Mayer Rothschild is reported to have bragged, 'I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply.'
Waking up
Now that we have an idea of how government is viewed by those who control it, the concept of the redundancy of government hoves into view.
But how would we live without government?
This is discussed in an article called Non Government, already distributed.
Part Two
Being able to see the situation as it is today, and having some kind of vision of how the situation could be after the transition, all we need to do is to establish the best way of transition.
We become rapidly aware of a picture of “us” and “them”, where "them” is represented by all those who wish to have power over others. We must consider these as the enemy.
When considering an enemy, the classic guide lines come from Sun Tzu, in his “The Art of War”, where he says:
“8. It is the rule in war, if our forces are ten to the enemy's one, to surround him; if five to one, to attack him; if twice as numerous, to divide our army into two."
Our numbers must be millions to one.
I think our approach to surrounding the enemy would be to completely ignore him, so that he becomes surrounded in ignorance. We must appeal to every individual to try to think for himself, and to avoid the thinking that has been poured into him by those who wish to control him. So we see, that by supporting those campaigning for peace, we are supporting those campaign for the abandonment of government. This is the only possible way forward. We must use our energies to support those in our immediate contact zone. We must
strengthen ties between local organisations, so that we can develop plans for community cooperation, to ensure that the immediate needs such as shelter, food clothes, medicines and medical help are available. I propose that we cease all activities representing protests against government, ignore them completely, cease publicising their insane machinations, and respectfully leave governments to die in peace. We must work to minimise all contact with government.
Protesting against them has proven time and again to have little or no effect.
So we can also split our army into two.
One half can help us to avoid contact with government, and the other half can work on filling any gaps that the demise of government might leave.
We believe this is the only possible way forward.
Sunday, 2 November 2008
The New World Odour, and it's antedote
Good Morning - welcome to the new world order
I have the television on in the background, as the family is present on this peaceful Sunday morning. It is tuned to CCTV channel 9, the only English language news channel available on Chinese TV. I heard the words "New World Order" spoken by the anchor, so I began to pay attention.
I saw a clip of a speech being made at the World Economic Forum, or WEF, in Istanbul. The Theme of the Forum is "Confronting Challenges in Defining a Collaborative Future".
The clip was maybe 15 seconds, and included emphasis, exaggeration, and slow and clear speech so that non-native speakers could hear the sounds echoing through the hall.
"Out of this financial situation is likely to come ....A........NEW..........WORLD..........ORDER"
This event and speech was made in Istanbul, and I am in China. Is it likely that this news clip has been shown on almost every television in the world, with various anchor's translated those three simple words?
The Chinese anchor repeated those three words three times, when introducing and summarising the clip.
This will quite likely be shown every hour, on the hour, all around the world. By the end of the day, the sound
will be ringing in every TV viewers' ears. Tomorrow it will probably be front page news in every newspaper.
Welcome to NEW..........WORLD..........ORDER
The sheople are EAGERLY ANTICIPATING a New World Order.
Everyone who votes for the NEW..........WORLD..........ORDER will get exactly what has been prophesied and is expected by anyone possessing the ability to think.
I somehow feel that it is important to do something. If we don't do something, then THEY certainly will. We have to do whatever we can to ensure that we, the people of the world, are not incarcerated in The New World Order's prisons. I ask that we all use any idea we have to achieve the demise of NEW........WORLD........ORDER if we wish to retain any semblance of freedom.
This does not apply solely to Americans.
We know that the NEW..........WORLD..........ORDER is not limited by national boundaries. We are not talking about a new American order.
(If anyone reading this is not familiar with the NEW..........WORLD..........ORDER, you have some very urgent reading to do.
I have attempted to ease that task by providing links. All the links are a different take on NEW..........WORLD..........ORDER
If you haven't made up your mind yet, then you have a few hours left - maybe.
Peace be with you, as the fireworks are being lit. The touch paper is glowing brightly now at 11.54 am Beijing time Sunday 1st November 2008.
"Find out just what people will submit to, and you have found out the exact amount of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them; and these will continue until they are resisted with either words or blows, or both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress" Fredrick Douglas
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