Thursday 22 October 2020

latest updates on Covid19 thinking

Latest Updates on Covid19 Thinking

This blog contains the latest updates on Covid19 thinking

Read carefully - masks, social distancing  unnecessary, tests 94% unreliable etc etc

Less Covid 19 deaths than usual annual flu deaths etc etc etc

Covid 19 is not a dangerous disease, in fact less dangerous than seasonal flu.

The world's citizenry is under attack from a conglomerate consisting of the Rothschild's, President Xi of China, Bill Gates, Soros and a few Big Tech CEOs and other billionaires.

There seems to be  only one chance of defeating their objective of The New World Order.

There is a plan to maintain world population below 500,000

The world take-over plan was started over 200 years ago

We can choose the odds of thirteen out of fourteen who will die, or we can do something about the situation NOW.

Just saying "conspiracy theory" and hoping it will go away has failed. The conspiracy is real, it is huge, and it affects you and me already. Never before have so many people had their freedoms restricted. Just a minor example of what is to come.

We may be aware already, but if not once we have pushed aside all of our egocentric objections eventually we will understand what is really happening. Then we will want to take immediate action.

The usual first action is to tell as many people as possible.

They will call you a conspiracy theorist at best, and crazy at worst, but they too will eventually wake up to the reality of what this Covid thing is all about - the death of 6.5 billion people!

Please do your own research on New World Order bearing in mind that the truth is hidden by Big Tech who are in on the world take-over game.

I am happy to try to answer any constructive questions

Kind regards


Sunday 27 September 2020

Free speech. Gentlemanly behaviour Truth - all gone

 Free speech. Gentlemanly behaviour. Truth  - all gone

This video was posted YESTERDAY. 

 How can the British people put up with a government that encourages such disgusting behaviour 

The preceding protest rally in Germany which attracted 850,000 people is a clear demonstration that the governments are ALL lying . The British have received the most governmental mind control, and are the most scared.

Come on folks. Wake up. Your government is having you on. There is nothing unusual happening on the medical front. just another strain of the flu as happens every year.

There is no scientific reason for face masks, social distancing or any restriction of freedom at all. It's just more mind conditioning.

Don't fall for it.

Just avoid officialdom and go about your life as if it was a lengthy April Fool's Day. where many haven't got the joke yet. Eventually, everyone will wake up.

 Watch "German Doctor Arrested In London For Telling The Truth" 

(3 Minutes)


Tuesday 18 August 2020

The Best News You Ever Heard _ Fauci OUT

With grateful thanks to Peter Myers.

Fauci out, Atlas in. Stop the Panic and end the total Isolation


The march of The New World Order seemed unstoppable.

It seemed almost inevitable that we would have mandatory vaccinations. 

And then Fauci was fired. Atlas, the new guy, seems to have the interest of the people at heart, as opposed to Fauci's interests of the New World Order. Suddenly the NWO steam-roller has ground to a halt.

Atlas is quite aware that COVID 19 is another form of the common cold, and should be treated as such.

Of course it will take time for all the dilatory institutions to catch up with the news, but we can look forward to getting our lives back within the next few weeks.

I would suggest throwing a mask party where all the masks are burned.



Good News: Fauci’s Out and Common Sense Might Be Returning

Why is this most important piece of news not reported in mainstream media?

Saturday 18 July 2020

Backing Away From The Insanity - Covid not contagious


The handling of the Covid 19 virus includes devastating isolating and masking effects which have led to a bigger pandemic called insanity.

It seems that now the insanity has been understood by so many parties, the WHO is trying to back-pedal without actually saying what they should say. There is only one possible response from this corrupt organisation, who should never be heard of again. The acceptable response is 

"We were all wrong. We lied. We resign wholesale and close down the WHO immediately."

This is what the people on the streets should be protesting about instead of arguing about which toilet to use or whether you have a good sun tan or not.

Watch this newsclip where the official WHO excuse-giver makes the announcement.

The World Health Organisation (Who were they) now admits that it was completely wrong. Covid 19 is very rarely contagious so there is no need for masks and social distancing. It can all stop right now, and some attempt made to resume normal life.

"From the data we have it still seems to be rare that an asymptomatic person actually transmits onwards to a secondary individual." 
 Asymptomatic is medical terminology for normal or healthy.
Now maybe all those people, especially the Brits,who had been driven insane by fear can start to think straight again.
So now what shall we talk about?

Saturday 4 July 2020

Nothing Special Happened - Corona laid to rest

What a pleasure to listen to an intelligent person speaking with no axe to grind.
 He proves that from a virus point of view nothing special happened.
 He just tells it how it is, and he confirms that the effect on human consciousness has been devastating. The lesser educated and lesser informed of us have heard only the scare story, with no balancing opinion. This has increased fear levels, which in turn reduced health levels.
As he suggests, it is indeed a criminal act.

The psychological effect of masks is much more than most people think. They are dehumanising, which is what the whole New World Order paradigm is about.
Even if you are already absolutely certain that this pandemic was a hoax, you will still learn some facts which corroborate your opinion.
Enjoy this twenty minute presentation of logic and sense.

Saturday 20 June 2020

Modern Warfare

Modern Warfare - 
Scare people with a virus.
Place them in quarantine.
Count the number of dead every second of every day in every news headline.
Close all businesses.
40,000,000 out of jobs.
Peak unemployment.
Remove entertainment: parks, gyms, bars, restaurants, sports.
No dating.
No touching.
Mask people.
Dehumanize them.
Close temples and churches.
Create a vacuum.
Let depression and anxiety and desperation set in.
Then... ignite hatred and civil war.
Civil unrest.
Empty the prisons because of the virus and fill the streets with criminals.
Send in Antifa to vandalize property as if they are freedom fighters.
Undermine the law.
Defund police forces.
Loot, pillage and plunder.
Attack law enforcement, but tell government to order a stand-down.
Abuse the racial wars to fuel the fires.
And, in an election year, have Democrats blame all of it on the President.

And the rest of the world suffers due to the poor dimmed down American people. They will all receive over 100 vaccinations in their lives according to CDC schedules, and yet they are expected to evolve like normal people. This collapse of social order is proof that they are no longer normal people. Their normal is too far off the beaten track.

This is what modern warfare looks like.


The Vaccine Plan - Training people like dogs

The Vaccine Plan - Training people like dogs

The NWO is beginning to fizzle out.
As more information is brought to light, we the public discover that we have hardly ever been told the truth about anything.

This has resulted in most of us wandering around believing that the world is approximately as projected on TV and in the newspapers.

But what if the TV and newspaper journalists had been guided and trained to present only one side of the story - the side of their paymasters.

 Their plan to maintain control by suppressing all dissent has now failed too. It is now illegal for Google, Facebook, Twitter etc to censor items just because they oppose the NWO plan. So they have lost their power and control.

 In this Red Ice video, David Icke explains that we are being trained in the same way as we train dogs not to mess in the house.
Eventually we obey without thinking about it. When they say lock down, we just obey.

If you are still in doubt about the danger and perverseness of the New World Order, then consider that they have just succeeded in locking over three billion people in their homes. Nothing as big and powerful as this has ever been experienced in our history.
Enjoy the video

Governments hate being caught making mistakes, so they are unlikely to admit the truth easily.

Saturday 13 June 2020

End of COVID19

Today the WHO declared that COVID-19 almost never spreads through asymptomatic carriers, all at once wiping out the entire justification for mandatory vaccines and contact tracing. As reported:
“From the data we have, it still seems to be rare that an asymptomatic person actually transmits onward to a secondary individual,” Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, head of WHO’s emerging diseases and zoonosis unit, said at a news briefing from the United Nations agency’s Geneva headquarters. “It’s very rare.”
Asymptomatic spread was the entire reason why world authorities demanded lockdowns, social distancing and masks, too. It was also the underlying justification for demanding mandatory vaccinations and contact tracing. After all, if the spread of coronavirus were limited to only those who obviously showed symptoms — and could therefore be easily identified and avoided — there would be no logical need for lockdowns, social distancing, masks, contact tracing or mandatory vaccines, since spreaders of the pandemic could be easily identified and avoided (or isolated with selective stay-at-home orders only for the symptomatic).
All at once, the WHO has just exploded all these narratives that were so aggressively pushed by the CDC, Democrat governors, Dr. Fauci at the White House and even the WHO itself. Now, based on the WHO’s new admission, not only should every lockdown be immediately ended; any government effort to initiate new lockdowns should be vehemently rejected as being utterly groundless and anti-science.

Mandatory vaccines are no longer needed when asymptomatic carriers present near-zero risk

Now that the WHO is claiming there’s virtually no risk of catching the coronavirus from someone who isn’t showing any symptoms, mandatory vaccines are impossible to medically justify since symptomatic carriers can be easily identified and isolated from others.
Simultaneously, the argument that the lockdowns need to continue “until there’s a vaccine” have just been decimated, too. In reality, the WHO just admitted that lockdowns aren’t necessary at all, except among those who are actively showing symptoms (which is a very tiny percentage of the population, probably far less than 1% on any given day).
It also means that everybody can safely go back to work with nothing more than a low-cost handheld thermometer checking temperatures of workers as they enter the workplace. No symptoms means no risk of spread, according to the WHO, so checking for symptoms is now synonymous with achieving a safe workplace for all.
It also means the occupancy limits at workplaces should be immediately lifted, allowing all gyms, bars, restaurants and movie theaters to operate at full capacity. The only required rule is that people who sneeze or show fevers must be asked to leave, and that’s it.

No more justification for contact tracing either

There are factions in this world which are very good at keeping secrets and are hell bent on taking control of everything and everybody.

Those who are not  aware of this fact are unlikely to be able to understand the significance of the many BILLIONS of dollars that could be earned from vaccinating everyone - every year. Very likely the biggest ever financial deal in the history of finance. And if we are not fully aware as to how thoroughly evil these psychopathic people are then also we cannot believe that they count us as useless eaters, and no more. A few deaths means nothing to a psychopath.

So for those operating with limited worldly experience, I apologise if this news sits badly with you. You know the old saying - the truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.

For those who have realised there is something wrong in their consciousness and are just setting out on the path, I would strongly recommend learning to meditate. Once you have learned to watch and know your own mind, then you have learned more than they could ever teach you at school. One of the first signs of setting foot on the path is noticing more coincidences.

Saturday 6 June 2020

The Vaccine Plan - the few controlling the many

The Vaccine Plan

“The Idea That a Few Can’t Control The Many Has Gone” -David Icke (w/ Red Ice Tv).

There seems to be hope yet. But it depends on each one of us spreading the message as far and wide as possible.

Please forward this blog to anyone with an IQ above room temperature.



Thursday 4 June 2020

Hoist by their own petard

Hoist by their own petard

It appears that the whole world is waiting for a vaccine to successfully pass tests before it is secure enough to return to a more pleasant lifestyle.

These tests will be the first stringent tests that any vaccine has undergone.

Asthe vaccine guru Anthony Fauci himself has admitted "The vaccine may not work". He knows vaccines will not work under stringent test conditions and so wants to bypass as much testing as possible. He knows the theory of vaccination is flawed. But he does stand to make several billion dollars on patent royalties if everyone is vaccinated.

There has been so much propaganda about vaccines that the nurses and doctors who administer them genuinely believe they work. Undoing that belief will take many years, even when categoric scientific evidence determines that vaccines are far more likely to cause illness than to prevent illness.

The entire weight of the NWO is behind this fake pandemic in a bid to move forward their world control. There are many who scream "Conspiracy Theory". If these parrotlike objectors don't shut up and get with it, they will be in for a huge shock when they eventually do find out. I suggest they do some research or get out of the way. If not they will personally witness all the worst of the conspiracy theories become conspiracy fact.

Today's controllers are known psychopaths. We are dealing with crazy people. Anything might happen.

Fortunately the pandemic close-down has ended their plan for Globalism, which had run its course anyway. The economy had been teetering on the brink of disaster since September 2019.

The Globalisation Plan had been replaced by the Vaccination Plan.

But now the vaccine plan is blowing apart as a few more people every day becoming aware of what is happening.

I appeal to those few people who do understand what is happening to pass on this info about The New World Order plan for total domination to those who are beginning to get it. Time is not on our side. Laziness will not bring a solution.

The biggest enemy we have is apathy. Those who do nothing are voting for the New World Order, because that is where the sheep go. It avoids having to think.

Those who have realised there is more to life than money are searching for a different way.

Stay tuned. We will cover a new way of life soon.

But above all please get people out of their houses. The confinement is torturing them.

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