Sunday 27 September 2020

Free speech. Gentlemanly behaviour Truth - all gone

 Free speech. Gentlemanly behaviour. Truth  - all gone

This video was posted YESTERDAY. 

 How can the British people put up with a government that encourages such disgusting behaviour 

The preceding protest rally in Germany which attracted 850,000 people is a clear demonstration that the governments are ALL lying . The British have received the most governmental mind control, and are the most scared.

Come on folks. Wake up. Your government is having you on. There is nothing unusual happening on the medical front. just another strain of the flu as happens every year.

There is no scientific reason for face masks, social distancing or any restriction of freedom at all. It's just more mind conditioning.

Don't fall for it.

Just avoid officialdom and go about your life as if it was a lengthy April Fool's Day. where many haven't got the joke yet. Eventually, everyone will wake up.

 Watch "German Doctor Arrested In London For Telling The Truth" 

(3 Minutes)


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