Tuesday 26 May 2020

How Embarrassing

Now that we know this coronavirus thing is a scam, our governments have to back-pedal and suffer the awful embarrassment of saying "We were wrong".
We have to start rectifying the damage done by terrible decision making.

We know we can never get back to the way things were, but we can cease inconveniencing people's lives right now.

No doubt it will come as an unbelievable shock to many people. They have become so conditioned to the hoax that they can never believe that all the numbers, statistics and facts were fake.

Yes the driving forces behind this scam must be held to account. They include doctors, billionaire philanthropists, press editors, Facebook, Google, YouTube, many ISPs who are filtering emails and others.

First, we should cease these lockdowns immediately and allow people to circulate and socialise and have a life.
Secondly, we should make sure that this is never allowed to happen again.

Thirdly we must make a huge effort to ensure that everyone gets nutritious food and shelter while the supply chains and money supply get organised.

Luckily President Trump has been reported as seeing things the same way.
The report says:
"He has publicly mentioned he’s taking hydroxychloroquine and zinc, being the first and only public official who has dared to mention a nutritional supplement as a preventive measure against the coronavirus.
He has de-funded the communist-run W.H.O. and halted all future funding unless that corrupt organization undergoes radical reforms.
He has affirmed that the coronavirus vaccine will NOT be mandatory but only given by choice to “those who want it.”
He has stated that a vaccine might never be available and that America will reopen “with or without a vaccine,” hinting that he does not make the reopening predicated on a vaccine.
He has demanded that churches be allowed to reopen as “critical” infrastructure, all across America. In many states, Walmart, abortion centers and bars were allowed to open while churches were ordered to stay closed.
Finally, just yesterday, he stated that even if there’s a second wave of infections, he will not place America under a second lockdown."

We know that there is now no normal, but at least we can remove inconveniences and let people have some stress relief. This is all too confusing for many elderly people.

Please let your acquaintances know there is no need to fear the coronavirus. The ghost of coronavirus past is laid to rest.


Robleschaz said...

I suppose that shouting a lie long enough and loud enough (taking a page from HITLER'S playbook) TRUMP was able to capture the Presidency. And those who believe that WORLDWIDE those people who are listed as fatalities means the human race were burying people WHO WERE NOT DEAD. Be happy in your ignorance.

Unknown said...

I have been telling my patients and friends corona is a more advanced form of the flu. I consider flu shots to be more dangerous than the flu. I have not had a flu sot in more than 40 years. I make a 4 drops solution of Clo2 and Citric acid and drink that with 2 ounces of distilled water. It kills all viruses with no side effects. Cost is about 2 CENTS per dose. For $40 you can buy a year supply for 2 people. Dr. Thomas ND

Robleschaz said...

Blessed are the ignorant for they inhabit most of the planet Earth. Those who believe that the Corona19 virus is a hoax and it's devastation, must also believe that the reported fatalities were people who were alive when they were buried.

David West said...

Sorry I don't understand. I have seen no reports inferring that live people have been buried. Yes people die - we all will die. I think the last few blogs clearly explain that the statistics are a mess and unreliable. I have asked numerous times if anyone knows anyone who has corona virus. Next to no response. Ventilators seem to kill people moist of the time.

David West said...

Thanks Dr Thomas. When politics and emotion are removed from the thinkiing, then sense prevails

Anonymous said...

Trump will go down in history as the greatest president America has ever had. And Donald Junior will take over for him in 2024.

David West said...

You could br right. But that depends on who is doing the measuring. If he gets rid of the Rothschild's, then for sure

Anonymous said...

You may want to change your opinion of all of this when you have a good friend die of COVID. I have, and there is absolutely no question of what it was that killed this 24 year old man.

David West said...

Was your friend put on a ventilator? Ventilator use seems to be a death sentence

David West said...

My opinion is based on prevailing facts, after considerable research. If the facts change, then my opinion might change
I am NOT suggesting that no-one has died. I am suggesting that the pandemic is fake.
There is definitely no need for people to be locked in their homes. This is causing more deaths and illness than any virus will. The number of deaths is no greater than during a normal flu season.

Anonymous said...

I have been cleaning my nostrils and gargling with a disinfectant and it is working. My mucosal membranes are bleeding but I have absolutely no fear of corona. Furthermore, every morning I add 3 ounces of bleach to my orange juice and as orange juice is acidic the combination of bleach and OJ works well. My insides are strong and healthy but I am bleeding rectally and my gastric ulcer gives slight discomfort. Donald Trump is the kindest, smartest and best president the United States of America has ever had and although he keeps grabbing pussy he will have the vote of many like-minded people this fall.

Unknown said...

This whole fiasco was stickley a political trick on America and the world, bandit worked wonderfully. It it showed how gullible people can be manipulated by the crooked fake media and liberal socialist/communist/muslim corrupt atheists TREASONOUS politicians. They are scared President Trump will be re elected and bring all the corruption and TREASONOUS activity and the politicians ,FBI, CIA,AND PROSECUTE them. This trick showed everyone how infiltrated AMERICA IS with communist And muslims that are following SAUL ALINSKY'S BOOK RULES for RADICALS and CLOWARD PIVAN'S BLUEPRINT to destroy AMERICA from WITHIN. Plus the communist manifesto and doing a great job. If you open your eyes and READ AMERICAN AND WORLD HISTORY and study it lay every thing out for . This has happened many times thru history. And the people that wanted to destroy AMERICA using those readings, it's also written in the Bible many times thru history. The people that have been at this for over 50 years. They found that if the FAKE media and certain people repeated lies often and loud the gullible people fall for and they could destroy the CONSTITUTION and take our freedoms away and they have showed a they can very easily do this . And next time they will be able to tell people about a cough, flue, whatever to scare people.it was scary to see how infiltrated AMERICA is with communist, our government officials,elected parts of the law enforcement, everbody uncoverd themselves as wanting to destroy AMERICA.

David West said...

I'm not so sure about the disinfectant. Some can be very dangerous. I use apple cider vinegar and baking soda as a toothpaste and gargle. I also have a yogic breathing practice which you can read about here.
Hatha Yoga:
The Yogi Philosophy of Physical Well-Being

The entire 100-year-old book is on line to read for free, and teaches amazing things that we had all forgotten

David West said...

I agree with everything you say about the take-over of America. But don't stop there. The same thinki8ng applies to almost every country and government in the world. The 200 year old ideas of The New World Order are culminating in the current war, the ourcome of which is uncertain. Huge numbers of people keep going on about false conspiracies, and preventing as much progress as possible without offering any practical alternative. These people are the problem. They just parrot something from their locak newspaper and believe they have done some research. My on-going 20 year research is at http://sites.google.com/site/humanevolution2008/