Saturday 23 May 2020

Meditation Misapprehension

Meditation Misapprehension 

MeditationMeditation is becoming a popular activity. But still many people misunderstand meditation. Many people believe that meditation is thinking, whereas it is the opposite. We practice meditation to stop thinking.

Meditation can be 5 minutes per day or several hours per day. There are no rules. There is nobody else involved. You soon develop your own personal style. The only essential is that you do it every day even if for only a few minutes. 

I have developed a habit of sliding into meditation mode whenever I have to wait for something. waiting for a bus - meditate: waiting for a friend - meditate: waiting for dinner to cook - meditate:

Each time you meditate, you gain a little more control over your own mind. You become more able to avoid those mind-stressing worries. Once you have become a practiced meditator you will also become aware of some of the other benefits. One main attribute is will power. First we  must develop enough willpower to change "I will meditate" into "I do meditate".

Once you are meditating regularly, you have started a new way of life.
Every once in a while, you will feel as if you have thrown a switch , as a  specific realisation drives home. These switch-throwing moments can often be mind-blowing for a while, until we catch on to the new idea. Then we are able to understand far more than before, and to even untangle some struggles from the past.

We will find that our health improves. We will have more gratitude for what we have now and less desire for something we don't have.

See the next blog for ideas on how to start receiving the benefits oif meditation

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