Saturday, 30 May 2020

Be Aware Of A Few Fundamentals

NWOBe Aware Of A Few Fundamentals

In order to properly understand what is going on today, it is essential to be aware of a few fundamentals which many uninformed or paid individuals deny.

The first and most important thing to know that the New World Order already controls huge swathes of public life, such as education, medicine, mass media, social media, Hollywood, large corporations and central banks. They have control of most money, and command most of the world's military and secret service. If you doubt that then see

This plandemic that is now fortunately ending is a major step in the New World Order plan to get everybody vaccinated with nanotechnology. When working in combination with G5 communications and AI technology, then the controllers have the ability to modify your mood and feelings. No more political arguments. Total control.

Understanding or believing this is beyond the scope of many regular readers and non-readers alike. It is opposed to the information generally disseminated by the controlled mass media.
It is therefore all the more important that those who do understand, i.e. you, should disseminate this info as far and wide as possible.

It will take every person with every ounce of energy we can muster to avoid becoming either deceased or a slave. We have a huge battle ahead.
Fortunately, the American government has an understanding of what is going on, and are acting against it. See

Tuesday, 26 May 2020

How Embarrassing

Now that we know this coronavirus thing is a scam, our governments have to back-pedal and suffer the awful embarrassment of saying "We were wrong".
We have to start rectifying the damage done by terrible decision making.

We know we can never get back to the way things were, but we can cease inconveniencing people's lives right now.

No doubt it will come as an unbelievable shock to many people. They have become so conditioned to the hoax that they can never believe that all the numbers, statistics and facts were fake.

Yes the driving forces behind this scam must be held to account. They include doctors, billionaire philanthropists, press editors, Facebook, Google, YouTube, many ISPs who are filtering emails and others.

First, we should cease these lockdowns immediately and allow people to circulate and socialise and have a life.
Secondly, we should make sure that this is never allowed to happen again.

Thirdly we must make a huge effort to ensure that everyone gets nutritious food and shelter while the supply chains and money supply get organised.

Luckily President Trump has been reported as seeing things the same way.
The report says:
"He has publicly mentioned he’s taking hydroxychloroquine and zinc, being the first and only public official who has dared to mention a nutritional supplement as a preventive measure against the coronavirus.
He has de-funded the communist-run W.H.O. and halted all future funding unless that corrupt organization undergoes radical reforms.
He has affirmed that the coronavirus vaccine will NOT be mandatory but only given by choice to “those who want it.”
He has stated that a vaccine might never be available and that America will reopen “with or without a vaccine,” hinting that he does not make the reopening predicated on a vaccine.
He has demanded that churches be allowed to reopen as “critical” infrastructure, all across America. In many states, Walmart, abortion centers and bars were allowed to open while churches were ordered to stay closed.
Finally, just yesterday, he stated that even if there’s a second wave of infections, he will not place America under a second lockdown."

We know that there is now no normal, but at least we can remove inconveniences and let people have some stress relief. This is all too confusing for many elderly people.

Please let your acquaintances know there is no need to fear the coronavirus. The ghost of coronavirus past is laid to rest.

Saturday, 23 May 2020

Meditation Misapprehension

Meditation Misapprehension 

MeditationMeditation is becoming a popular activity. But still many people misunderstand meditation. Many people believe that meditation is thinking, whereas it is the opposite. We practice meditation to stop thinking.

Meditation can be 5 minutes per day or several hours per day. There are no rules. There is nobody else involved. You soon develop your own personal style. The only essential is that you do it every day even if for only a few minutes. 

I have developed a habit of sliding into meditation mode whenever I have to wait for something. waiting for a bus - meditate: waiting for a friend - meditate: waiting for dinner to cook - meditate:

Each time you meditate, you gain a little more control over your own mind. You become more able to avoid those mind-stressing worries. Once you have become a practiced meditator you will also become aware of some of the other benefits. One main attribute is will power. First we  must develop enough willpower to change "I will meditate" into "I do meditate".

Once you are meditating regularly, you have started a new way of life.
Every once in a while, you will feel as if you have thrown a switch , as a  specific realisation drives home. These switch-throwing moments can often be mind-blowing for a while, until we catch on to the new idea. Then we are able to understand far more than before, and to even untangle some struggles from the past.

We will find that our health improves. We will have more gratitude for what we have now and less desire for something we don't have.

See the next blog for ideas on how to start receiving the benefits oif meditation

Saturday, 16 May 2020

Covid Hoax revealed

It's time for some straight talking here.
talk to self
Everyone is being subjected to a hoax of the greatest possible  proportions.  This corona hoax fills most news and media. Most people will never understand that it is a hoax.
But there is a chance that some people can see through all the fog.

Having been cut off from old lifestyles for a few weeks many people have recently changed  some opinions. Most people have had time for a thorough introspection. Some have come up with different ways of thinking. A few realisations  have struck home. 

Basic Questions

People  are becoming less enamoured with their governments and with  institutional methods. They are realising that their mind has been controlled, through fear. Now instead of allowing the media to taint their thinking they are beginning to think for  themselves. They are asking some basic questions, to which no satisfactory answer exists.
We realise that government is not there to look after us but is there to use us for its own benefit. We are no  more than a number to government.
Knowing his helps us ask some basic questions and is helpful in getting the self-dialogue going. For example, do you know why you were born? Few  people do!

As we learn more about ourselves we discover what has conditioned our thinking. This allows us to go yet deeper inside.
We can bypass the conditioning of our ego in  meditational practice. We can discover our raw self.  At this point,  unabridged truth is the only vibration.  It is  often contrary to the beliefs we expound in our daily communications.

Truth Level

Once  we reach the truth level, we might ask the question "Does it seem  sensible to inject foreign toxic material into the bloodstream?". Most  people will say it is not sensible. So there you have your own real  vaccine truth.
Which brings us back to the hoax. Why is the world waiting  for a vaccine to get everything going again when we know that vaccination is not sensible. There is a huge  mind game being played by people who have no right to play these games. See the video below to discover the players.

I  guess I am not the only one who feels this way. As more people  realise that they are being hoaxed, then eyes begin to open.


The more we try, the more we are able to find our way through the morass of disinformation that feeds us daily. Once  we can find our path and reach a  more quiet and peaceful spot, we can look back and see the chaos we have  left behind. 

In our tranquil setting we can think more deeply. We can work out ways to help our acquaintances who are still struggling under all these misapprehensions.

And talking of straight talking.

Listen here to Alex Jones who has more information from today's news.

Monday, 11 May 2020

Why am I a prisoner in my own home?

Why am I a prisoner in my own home?

The Scene

The evolution of human civilisation will reach a peak moment within a VERY short time period.

It is quite likely that the secret war will be played out in the open.

The outrageous audacity of the one side to suggest that mandatory vaccination is essential indicates just how insane and powerful these people are.

Millions of hours are spent every day by people trying to ascertain the truth and every day more people are discovering that they have been hoaxed.

The Problem

Knowing the truth is almost impossible. However proving a lie is a far more simple task.

The truth depends on the point of view. If we expect a negative result, we can usually find one.

So let's try to imagine what happens in the minds of people who believe that all man are inclined to evil rather than good.

I feel that we all prefer to live in the belief that all men are good.

Unfortunately the present paradigm on which our thoughts and lifestyles are based was evolved in different thinking.

The actual words from the meeting which instigated the current regime of world control are reported as follows.

And now, the piece de resistance, Rothschild's actual words, first written, and then spoken to the gathering.
In 1773 (3 years before
Weishaupt’s revised plan):

"He invited twelve other wealthy and influential men to meet him in Frankfort"
After the general introduction to build up an enthusiastic reception for the plot he was about to unfold, Rothschild turned to a manuscript and proceeded to read a carefully prepared plan of action.  The following is what I have been assured is a condensed version of the plot by which the conspirators hoped to obtain ultimate undisputed control of the wealth, natural resources, and man-power of the entire world.

  The speaker started to unfold the plot by saying that because the majority of men were inclined to evil rather than to good the best results in governing them could be obtained by using violence and terrorism and not by academic discussions. 

  This opening false assumption has caused the evolution of humankind to be delayed. Only now are the people beginning to awaken to the fact that their lives are being manipulated. Once someone has been imprisoned, as in locked in the house, then a certain amount of introspection is inevitable.

Why am I a prisoner in my own home? 

The simple answer is that over the years we have delegated our responsibilities to other people. We expect others to look after our health and education. We expect to be provided for if we fall on hard times. Now there is too much power in too few hands.

One of the unfortunate aspects of concentrating this power in evil hands, is that people's minds are manipulated to believe th controller's story.
An important belief in the world today is the belief that vaccines can save the world. That would be a complete miracle.

After two decades of searching for scientific proof that vaccination has saved a life, I find none. There is no scientific proof that the theory of vaccination works. Why? Two reasons. One - Because it doesn't work! Two because no proper double-blind tests have  been carried out, ever, on any vaccination. Not one single vaccine has been properly tested.

I therefore conclude that vaccination is unlikely to have saved any lives.

But it has ruined many lives. Over four billion dollars has been paid out by the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, so any claim that vaccination does not cause harm is invalid.
If you would like to see  the research, then see  here.

More very soon in this fast moving epic story of life in 2020
Comments welcome. Everyone needs help to get over this enormous hurdle.
Important news breaking.

Wednesday, 6 May 2020

So if it's not health reasons,why are we locked up?

So if it's not health reasons,why are we locked up?

Our previous article suggested that we should all resume a normal life as soon as possible.
Today we will look at the reasons to get out of the house now. 

First and foremost, sunshine.
We have covered the benefits of sunshine several times in the past, but to recap take a look at

Secondly, fresh air. 
Our immune system benefits considerably from breathing fresh unconditioned outside air. We weaken our immune systems by constantly rebreathing the same air.

Thirdly, society.
Man is a social animal, and on the most-part functions better when in the company of like-minded people. Staying in isolation with no new input adds to nervous tension. This creates stress which has been reported as the cause of 90% of all diseases. (CDC)

Fourthly, diet.
Eating the same kinds of food all the time is not what the body needs. The body needs variety in order to receive the necessary 48 trace elements that keep us going.

Fifthly, sleep.
By staying isolated with nothing to regulate our behaviour, then our sleep patterns are likely to change. For some the change might be for the better, but for most the results of an interrupted sleep pattern are lack of energy, idleness, and susceptibility to disease.

There are five extremely helpful reasons why we should cease this mind-controlling lock-up.

Now we know the reasons for the lock-up are not health reasons, and we know that being locked up is bad for our health. we would logically concentrate on solving that dilemma.

More soon on how to take back control of our own lives