Friday, 8 October 2021

Firing If Not Vaccinated


Firing If Not Vaccinated



The secret is NOT to refuse the jab and do not sign anything!

If you are being forced to Vax in order to keep your job, here’s a great 

way to handle it. 

(Conditional acceptance)

The secret is NOT to refuse it. "I write with regard to the matter of 

potential covid vaccine and 

my desire to be

fully informed and appraised of ALL facts before going ahead. I’d 

be most grateful if you could 

please provide

the following information, in accordance with statutory legal requirements.":

1. Can you please advise the approved legal status of any vaccine 

and if it is experimental?

2. Can you please provide details and assurances that the vaccine 

has been fully, independently, and rigorously tested against control 

groups and the subsequent outcomes of those tests?

3. Can you please advise the entire list of contents of the vaccine 

I am to receive and if any are toxic to the body?

4. Can you please fully advise of all the adverse reactions 

associated with this vaccine since its an introduction?

5. Can you please confirm that the vaccine you are advocating

 is NOT experimental mRNA gene-altering therapy?

6. Can you please confirm that I will not be under any duress 

from you as my employers, in compliance with the Nuremberg Code?

7. Can you please advise me of the likely risk of fatality, should

 I be unfortunate to contract Covid 19, and the likelihood of recovery?

8. Can you please advise me if I were to experience any 

adverse reactions is the manufacturer of the vaccine

liable? If the manufacturer isn’t liable will the company I’m 

currently employed with be responsible & liable as it

s their request that I have the vaccine in order to carry on 

my employment?

Once I have received the above information in full and I am 

satisfied that there is NO threat to my health, I will

be happy to accept your offer to receive the treatment, but 

with certain conditions – namely that:

1. You confirm in writing that I will suffer no harm.

2. Following acceptance of this, the offer must be signed 

by a fully qualified doctor who will take full legal and

financial responsibility for any injuries occurring to myself, and/or from 

any interactions by authorized personnel regarding these procedures.

3. In the event that I should have to decline the offer of vaccination

 please confirm that it will not compromise my position and that I will 

not suffer prejudice and discrimination as a result?

I would also advise that my inalienable rights are reserved.

The point is that if they CANNOT provide that information you’ve NOT refused.

Thursday, 16 September 2021

Controlling an Ever-burgeoning Population

 If I had been brought up in a family responsible for world finances,  and eventually became the head of that family, I would have a good long think about what I was going to do.

I would realize that I had to control an ever burgeoning world population and I would know that it is easier to control people who live in fear than it is to control fearless people.

Until I was able to significantly reduce the population I would wish to control the minds of the 7.7 billion people.  I would need to delegate some of that control to other parties. So I would want the world split into countries and each country to have a carefully manipulated government. Authority would be maintained by controlling the funds of each country through their central bank, which I own.

 By determining who is and who isn't in charge of the various governments then I would have strong control over the thoughts and minds of the people.

I would complete my mind control of the public by carefully vetting all media and news to which the public has access. Control of government selection would be maintained by ensuring control of the two major parties at each election. I would ensure that candidates who disagreed with my methods were not elected whilst allowing the public to believe that they have some control over their own destiny, which of course they do not.

This allows me to put forward one paradigm as if no other paradigm could ever have existed. In order to ensure that there was no discussion about the current paradigm I would need a method to quieten any known dissenters.  This would be done through the various secret services attached to each of the governments, and reporting directly to me.

As far as education is concerned we have already succeeded in adopting a standard set of rules throughout academia and this is working well to prevent people from discovering any alternative paradigm. We will continue with the same kind of education even though we know that to truly learn something you must experience it yourself. This is why we lock school children into school rooms from the age of 5 to make sure that they have very little personal experience and next to no chance of discovering their own personal truth.

In recent years we have succeeded in devaluing the college degree to the extent now that it's considered quite normal to borrow money to follow a Bachelor's degree with a master's degree and then to further follow with PhD. The subject matter of most PhDs today is a laughable.

Then we come to medicine.This is a hugely profitable industry in which only recognized players are allowed to take part. Alternative natural healing is hidden as much as possible from the public, thus increasing the already vast profits of the pharmaceutical companies. Medical topics that could assist the public, like cures for cancer are hidden or ridiculed, to ensure that the profits of the cancer business continue to grow.

So it seems that the current world control by the world's richest family is following somewhat predictable lines, with little apparent challenge being visible. And the vast majority of people continue to believe that they are free, which is just what I want them to believe. If anyone suggests that the above is true, I just ridicule them and call them a conspiracy theorist. That way, they fail to be inquistive, and my secret system of control continues as it has for the past 200 years.

Saturday, 14 August 2021

Kerry Mullis calls out Fauci


Kerry Mullis calls out Fauci and dies


Kerry Mullis invented the PCR test that has been used to determine the spread of Covid 19. He says that the test should not be used for Covid 19, as by "turning up the volume" the PCR test can find anything you are looking for.
The same technique was used by Fauci to push the AZT drug which likely killed my brother when Fauci created the Aids pandemic.

Sunday, 8 August 2021

Empathy From Lawyers

 In the deep and continuing search for truth regarding Covid 18, we have very interesting news from Canada.

In the closing part of a court case in Alberta, the Judge and the Crown Prosecutor both said they were so sorry. Shortly afterwards, Alberta lifted all Covid restrictions.

 Apparently the Chief Medical Officer is unable to prove that the Covid 19 virus has ever been isolated and as a result all Covid restrictions became illegal.

If you don't have time for the whole 25 minutes of this landmark story, then just watch the last five minutes, and your heart will warm towards the legal people.

The logical corollary to this is that no chief medical officer on any country has the evidence, because it does not exist.
Therefore the whole worldwide Covid episode is revealed as an inside "job".

Simply because this story has gone viral, this one article it could change public opinion about Covid 19.

Tuesday, 3 August 2021


After a little concerted effort, mediation can become part of our every day life.

Once we are meditating regularly we become more aware of our actions and thoughts throughout the day. We maintain our consciousness in the here-and-now, and this awareness helps us to make better choices, resulting in a better life.

So for those who haven't yet made the breakthrough to a higher level of awareness of the self, nothing can be better than a planned meditation regimen.

You are here in this life because you are seeking enlightenment, and meditation is the best available tool.

Those who achieve enlightenment can understand far more than could ever be taught in school. Concentrating on the internal self and going within elicits this higher level of consciousness.

The blockage to enlightenment is the ego, which is our self-manufactured prison.

The ability to move past the ego and to recognise that it is purely a mind construction, and not real is what provides the open doors to a completely different style of life. The relief from not having to feed the ego releases mpre energy for more constructive things, and when directed mindfully, this free energy can be utilised to work miracles.

However the process of achieving this is a lengthy one, and is best taken in stages, the first of which is to realise that the belief system on which our ego is based is full of holes. We call this Untying the Knots, and provide some examples of erroneous beliefs that the general public adopts.

Regularly examining the foundations of our belief system is essential to provide the flexibility necessary to move forward, and to commence our new life by understanding the mind, body and spirit in more detail. 

Constant use of the computer enmeshes the mind in other peoples problems, all under the guise of perhaps being able to provide help to others.

When attempting to investigate UFOs and aliens about ten years ago there was as much disinfo as fact. While there is no doubt that there are benefits in the rapid communication provided by the latest technology, then we must also consider the down side.
First of all, there is the amount of time spent at the computer desk, instead of conducting some healthy activity outdoors. Then there is the unhealthy aspect of being so close to electrical circuits for so long. And last but not least, the aspects of mind control which are blatantly apparent. No matter which subject one addresses there is at least as much disinformation as true information, and weeding the truthful from the untruthful is a a mammoth task.

We should not become a slave to our computer. Yes it does keep our mind occupied, and help to prevent boredom, but if the same time was spent in meditation and healthy exercise, we would benefit far more. I think a simple rule is that we should meditate first, and then we should spend no more time on the computer than we spent meditating. 

So whenever we get the urge to switch on the computer, we transmute that into an urge to meditate.

Thursday, 29 July 2021

some straight talking

It's time for some straight talking here.
Everyone is being subjected to a hoax of the greatest possible  proportions.  This Covid 19 hoax fills most news and media. It is so clever that most people will never understand that it is a hoax.
 But there is a chance that some people can see through all the fog.

Cut off from old lifestyles for a few weeks many people have recently changed  some opinions. They have had time for a thorough introspection. Some have come up with different ways of thinking. A few realisations  have struck home.  

 People  are becoming less enamoured with their governments and with  institutional methods. They are realising that their mind is being  controlled, through fear. Now instead of allowing the media to taint their thinking they are beginning to think for  themselves. They are asking some basic questions, to which no satisfactory answer exists.
We realise that government is not there to look after us but is there to use us for its own benefit. We are no  more than a number to government.
Knowing his helps us ask some basic questions and is helpful in getting the self-dialogue going. For example, do you know why you were born? Few  people do!
  As we learn more about ourselves we discover what has conditioned our thinking. This allows us to go yet deeper inside.
We can bypass the conditioning of our ego with  meditational practice. We can discover our raw self.  At this point,  unabridged truth is the only vibration.  It is  often contrary to the beliefs we expound in our daily communications.
  Once  we reach the truth level, we might ask the question "Does it seem  sensible to inject foreign toxic material into the bloodstream?". Most  people will say it is not sensible. So there you have your own real  vaccine truth.
  Which brings us back to the hoax. Why is the world waiting  for a vaccine to get everything going again when we know that vaccination is not sensible. There is a huge  mind game being played by people who have no right to play these games.
   I would like anyone who wants to play with my life to know that my life is not for other people to play  with. I have never given anyone authority over any part of my life, and I don't  intend to. And I will never give authority to be vaccinated. I know it is the killshot.
 I  guess I am not the only one who feels this way. As more people  realise that they are being hoaxed, then eyes begin to open.
The more we try, the more we are able to find our way through the morass of disinformation that feeds us daily. Once  we can find our path and reach a  more quiet and peaceful spot, we can look back and see the chaos we have  left behind.  
In our tranquil setting we can think more deeply. We can work out ways to help our acquaintances who are still struggling under all these misapprehensions.

More soon. please subscribe.
Thanks for reading


Monday, 14 June 2021

Fear and love

 Fear and love

The difference is like that of chalk and cheese multiplied infinitely.

Many people say they do not live in fear, but there have been very few humans in history who have been completely without fear.

I am not talking about bravado, or even any kind of self-demonstration, but most people do not know what true love is.

True love is a total lack of fear, a state that is very difficult to achive.
From that fearless perspective, we are able to see the clouds of fear that hang around other people's auras, and it is often very difficult to not become sucked in.

Additionally, most people don't know what they are afraid of. They just have an uneasy feeling sometimes.

These fears are the foundation stones of our ego - before we can quieten the ego in order to find our true selves, we must get rid of the fears upon which it is founded.

Let me try to give an example of what I discovered in China.

Whilst teaching there, I tried to study whatever I could of the period during Mao's rule, and I was horrified.

So were the entire Chinese population. The atrocities committed by Mao's army at least equalled those committed by the Japanese, and some poor peasants lived under threat from the Japanese, Mao's army and Chiang Kai-shek's army. This was a time to quieten and cease all egotistical activity, and develop a new persona. So everyone created a false face, which they lived behind and cultivated daily. As time passed by, the falseness took over, and the real self was lost.

One of the most satisfying things in my life was to help a few students to realise this, and hence to realise there own selves. I apologise sincerely to those thousands of students that I could not help towards experiencing this wondrous joy.

Most of us are very poor at demonstrating our love. We become embarrassed by it, and so refrain. We rarely buy flowers and chocolates  out of pure love, but as a result of astute marketing. In a similar way, we are very poor at accepting love, and we treat it as some kind of scam or new marketing activity, or someone with a point to prove. So we argue, and defend our postion within the cloud, and thus avoid accepting love.

Very few people have yet experienced this kind of love except in minor degrees occasionally, and then they have usually considered themself to be too weak or too sentimental, so again dismiss it.

Fear is far more exciting than love, and is therefore attractive to excitable people.

(Chiang Kai-shek was socially conservative, promoting traditional Chinese culture in the New Life Movement and rejecting western democracy and the nationalist democratic socialism)

Thursday, 15 April 2021

NHS Senior Nurse Explains Vaccine Policy

 Although I know several people will deny this report from the World Doctor's Alliance is true, I feel sure it is authentic

I would therefore be remiss if I failed to pass on this report from the World Doctor's Alliance.

The video is presented by The UK Column


Although it's a long video, you can get all the important points in the first 15 minutes.

A senior nurse currently working at a high level in the NHS has tried to rectify problems and failed.

Her report is very detailed about the inner workings of the NHS and provides many answers to unanswered questions. 

I think it is very important for anyone considering further Covid jabs to listen to at least the first 15 minutes of this video. I was not aware till now just how programmed our health workers have become.