Thursday 4 June 2020

Hoist by their own petard

Hoist by their own petard

It appears that the whole world is waiting for a vaccine to successfully pass tests before it is secure enough to return to a more pleasant lifestyle.

These tests will be the first stringent tests that any vaccine has undergone.

Asthe vaccine guru Anthony Fauci himself has admitted "The vaccine may not work". He knows vaccines will not work under stringent test conditions and so wants to bypass as much testing as possible. He knows the theory of vaccination is flawed. But he does stand to make several billion dollars on patent royalties if everyone is vaccinated.

There has been so much propaganda about vaccines that the nurses and doctors who administer them genuinely believe they work. Undoing that belief will take many years, even when categoric scientific evidence determines that vaccines are far more likely to cause illness than to prevent illness.

The entire weight of the NWO is behind this fake pandemic in a bid to move forward their world control. There are many who scream "Conspiracy Theory". If these parrotlike objectors don't shut up and get with it, they will be in for a huge shock when they eventually do find out. I suggest they do some research or get out of the way. If not they will personally witness all the worst of the conspiracy theories become conspiracy fact.

Today's controllers are known psychopaths. We are dealing with crazy people. Anything might happen.

Fortunately the pandemic close-down has ended their plan for Globalism, which had run its course anyway. The economy had been teetering on the brink of disaster since September 2019.

The Globalisation Plan had been replaced by the Vaccination Plan.

But now the vaccine plan is blowing apart as a few more people every day becoming aware of what is happening.

I appeal to those few people who do understand what is happening to pass on this info about The New World Order plan for total domination to those who are beginning to get it. Time is not on our side. Laziness will not bring a solution.

The biggest enemy we have is apathy. Those who do nothing are voting for the New World Order, because that is where the sheep go. It avoids having to think.

Those who have realised there is more to life than money are searching for a different way.

Stay tuned. We will cover a new way of life soon.

But above all please get people out of their houses. The confinement is torturing them.

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1 comment:

David West said...

Please see the next blog entry which is a video of a discussion including David Icke
The Vaccine Plan; “The Idea That a Few Can’t Control The Many Has Gone” -David Icke (w/ Red Ice Tv).
There seems to be hope yet. But it depends on each one of us spreading the message as far and wide as possible.