Thursday, 12 March 2020

It's been a while

Previously predicted events are still gradually progressing as expected, and now it is time to shake off the dust, clean up, and see where we are going. We have reached a breakthrough.

Old beliefs and habits are now being discarded in rapid succession as many previous naysayers are removing the scales from their eyes. How can anyone continue to deny the conspiracy of bankers which has run the world for over 200 years, when there is so much evidence available to the contrary? Only those who are determinedly attempting to avoid any movement of the status quo can fail to see the vast changes that have occurred over the last ten years, and especially since the 2012 Mayan prediction.

 We can now take Brexit and the Donald Trump impeachment debacle  as markers for the future. These are all chipping at the control of the bankers, and allowing more individual freedom to the public.

Soon governments will be able to issue their own money, and that will end the money flow of loan interest that has made the banking families so incredibly wealthy.

Along with the demise of banking family financial control, then all their little dirty secrets are being revealed as more and more people become brave enough to tell their story. So many people have been kept quiet through blackmail and similar odorous means, but now whistle-blowing is becoming quite popular.
Five years from now, everyone will know that the conspiracy has been broken up, and all of us normal people will be grateful for the cessation of war games which have constantly dreamed up by psychopaths in secret rooms somewhere. 

Which sane person thinks war is a good idea?

And now we  have to contend with the ridiculous virus paranoia, where this month's top spot for publicity belongs to coronavirus

More soon.
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Right here, right now, everything is OK.
Kindest regards
David -The Unusual Life Coach
PS Coaching will start soon. Mail me for details, or leave a comment and I will contact you.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you David; I think the majority will agree.