Saturday 18 April 2020

Clarifying Objectives

Clarifying Objectives

 I hope to keep readers informed of some of the events which are bypassed by Mass Media. I also hope to provide a glimpse through the mass of fake news to see how the human world really is today and could be in the near future.

The first objective of this blog is to help eliminate the false thinking that springs from fake information. I hope to help you to understand that there is a battle going on for your mind. This has been the case throughout history, but never before has it been so pronounced.

 I can say that everything that I thought I knew at the age of 42 when I left UK, was wrong. I have had to change my complete belief system as more knowledge has been gained.

I  include articles on yogic thinking (raja yoga) and meditation to help readers move towards achieving enlightenment. We must never forget that we are tripartite beings, mind, body and soul.

The overall agenda  includes awakening to the fact that the world has been run for several hundred years by a secret government who do not openly state their intentions.

It is clear that this secret government goes to great lengths to hide the ancient truths that were taught by our revered masters since time immemorial. I have been lucky to be presented with some of this information.

   When I first came across these concepts 30 years ago, it all seemed too overwhelming. I could not believe that all I had been taught was false, but now I know that we have all been hoaxed, many times.

 Through this blog we will rectify some of those unfortunate ideas, and introduce a gamut of new ideas to help you find yourself.

(See my book: Find Yourself)

We continue from Yesterday's blog with our explanation about our seven chakras.

  We have progressed through each chakra, red/survival, orange/social, yellow/intellectual. Now we experience romance, and we identify articles, people animals and activities that we love. Let's call this level four, and give it the colour green, and a title of love. 

 We grow our love potential into unconditional love, and we become devoted to our chosen  interest. We are finding our true passion. Let's call this level five, and give it the colour blue, and a title of devotion. 

We learn to love ourselves and to trust ourselves. We usually follow our intuition. Let's call this level six, and give it the colour indigo, and a title of intuition. 

We prepare ourselves for transmutation to the spiritual world. Let's call this level seven, and give it the colour indigo, and a title of spirituality. 

This is the pathway through which this blog will gradually progress.

But here and now the pandemic has taken over to let us know how much of our power we had given away to representatives who care more about themselves than they care about us.We can expect to see a huge surge of power as soon as everyone understands that they have been experimented on, and willingly as a result of false information. They will want to take back their power, to be responsible for their own health, education, government and lifestyle, and to be more loving and less fearful.

This pandemic provides a bridge to a better life for all those who are willing to cross it. This is called "The Transition". We covered this in our 2013 articles but will of necessity update those thoughts.

If you like what you read today please subscribe.

See you soon.


PS  Please contact me if you would like details of life coaching.

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