Thursday 29 July 2021

some straight talking

It's time for some straight talking here.
Everyone is being subjected to a hoax of the greatest possible  proportions.  This Covid 19 hoax fills most news and media. It is so clever that most people will never understand that it is a hoax.
 But there is a chance that some people can see through all the fog.

Cut off from old lifestyles for a few weeks many people have recently changed  some opinions. They have had time for a thorough introspection. Some have come up with different ways of thinking. A few realisations  have struck home.  

 People  are becoming less enamoured with their governments and with  institutional methods. They are realising that their mind is being  controlled, through fear. Now instead of allowing the media to taint their thinking they are beginning to think for  themselves. They are asking some basic questions, to which no satisfactory answer exists.
We realise that government is not there to look after us but is there to use us for its own benefit. We are no  more than a number to government.
Knowing his helps us ask some basic questions and is helpful in getting the self-dialogue going. For example, do you know why you were born? Few  people do!
  As we learn more about ourselves we discover what has conditioned our thinking. This allows us to go yet deeper inside.
We can bypass the conditioning of our ego with  meditational practice. We can discover our raw self.  At this point,  unabridged truth is the only vibration.  It is  often contrary to the beliefs we expound in our daily communications.
  Once  we reach the truth level, we might ask the question "Does it seem  sensible to inject foreign toxic material into the bloodstream?". Most  people will say it is not sensible. So there you have your own real  vaccine truth.
  Which brings us back to the hoax. Why is the world waiting  for a vaccine to get everything going again when we know that vaccination is not sensible. There is a huge  mind game being played by people who have no right to play these games.
   I would like anyone who wants to play with my life to know that my life is not for other people to play  with. I have never given anyone authority over any part of my life, and I don't  intend to. And I will never give authority to be vaccinated. I know it is the killshot.
 I  guess I am not the only one who feels this way. As more people  realise that they are being hoaxed, then eyes begin to open.
The more we try, the more we are able to find our way through the morass of disinformation that feeds us daily. Once  we can find our path and reach a  more quiet and peaceful spot, we can look back and see the chaos we have  left behind.  
In our tranquil setting we can think more deeply. We can work out ways to help our acquaintances who are still struggling under all these misapprehensions.

More soon. please subscribe.
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