Sunday 26 April 2020

Laying the coronavirus pandemic to rest

Let's try to lay this coronavirus pandemic to rest. 

I am not a doctor or scientist. I am a logician and visionary.


Firstly, let's understand that all the numbers are probably wildly inaccurate. Just stay with me and if you think I am wrong, please tell me.

When I had symptoms
I didn't go to a doctor and everything passed OK.

 I believe there are probably hundreds of thousands more who would have tested positive if they had gone to the doctor or hospital and taken a test. 

As more tests facilities are made available, then more positives become apparent. 

So we would expect the numbers to ramp up simply because more tests are being done. 

If you don't agree, please read again slowly, before moving on. This is pure mathematical logic - nothing else.

But how are symptoms determined?

 According to information gathered from researchers in China, the most comon symptoms among people who had COVID-19 include:
  • Fever 83%-99%
  • Cough 59%-82%
  • Fatigue 44%-70%
  • Lack of appetite 40%-84%
  • Shortness of breath 31%-40%
  • Mucus/phlegm 28%-33%
  • Body aches 11%-35%
In other words, most things are asymptomatic of Covid-19 and warrant a test. 

The quality of tests varies from manufacturer to manufacturer but none are 100% reliable.

For these reasons I suggest that the closure of the world economy based on the statistics for Covid-19 infections and deaths is like a nun on a clown's back - virgin' on insanity.

How would we account for the apparent increase in deaths.

People do die. There are several reasons for a doctor to write Covid 19 as the cause of death. 

US hospitals get an extra $13,000 if they diagnose a death as COVID-19,and an additional $39,000 if they use a ventilator.

If you have been diagnosed with a fatal disease and tested positive for Covid 19, the fatal disease will not be mentioned on the death certificate. Once tested positive for Covid 19, it is impossible to die from anything else. A cancer death is counted as Covid 19 if the patient had previously tested positive.

Having ascertained the above facts, my decision was delayed due to reports of New York hospitals being full to overflowing. Then the two eminent doctors in the above video set me straight by  explaining that it is flu season, and there are always huge numbers of people admitted to hospitals at this time of year. New York is a particularly contagious place due the proximity and volume of commuters.

 All people from all countries?

 Secondly - There appears to be little information to refute the All "people all countries" official approach..We are told that a high percentage of those who have died were old or infirm. But there are no real statistics.
It seems that there are more infections and deaths in cold countries. But there are no statistics available.
It seems that those who had a flu vaccination were more affected but there are no statistics available.
Why is it so difficult to find out at what temperature coronavirus dies?

We are working with insufficient data to close down a total world economy

Saturday 18 April 2020

Clarifying Objectives

Clarifying Objectives

 I hope to keep readers informed of some of the events which are bypassed by Mass Media. I also hope to provide a glimpse through the mass of fake news to see how the human world really is today and could be in the near future.

The first objective of this blog is to help eliminate the false thinking that springs from fake information. I hope to help you to understand that there is a battle going on for your mind. This has been the case throughout history, but never before has it been so pronounced.

 I can say that everything that I thought I knew at the age of 42 when I left UK, was wrong. I have had to change my complete belief system as more knowledge has been gained.

I  include articles on yogic thinking (raja yoga) and meditation to help readers move towards achieving enlightenment. We must never forget that we are tripartite beings, mind, body and soul.

The overall agenda  includes awakening to the fact that the world has been run for several hundred years by a secret government who do not openly state their intentions.

It is clear that this secret government goes to great lengths to hide the ancient truths that were taught by our revered masters since time immemorial. I have been lucky to be presented with some of this information.

   When I first came across these concepts 30 years ago, it all seemed too overwhelming. I could not believe that all I had been taught was false, but now I know that we have all been hoaxed, many times.

 Through this blog we will rectify some of those unfortunate ideas, and introduce a gamut of new ideas to help you find yourself.

(See my book: Find Yourself)

We continue from Yesterday's blog with our explanation about our seven chakras.

  We have progressed through each chakra, red/survival, orange/social, yellow/intellectual. Now we experience romance, and we identify articles, people animals and activities that we love. Let's call this level four, and give it the colour green, and a title of love. 

 We grow our love potential into unconditional love, and we become devoted to our chosen  interest. We are finding our true passion. Let's call this level five, and give it the colour blue, and a title of devotion. 

We learn to love ourselves and to trust ourselves. We usually follow our intuition. Let's call this level six, and give it the colour indigo, and a title of intuition. 

We prepare ourselves for transmutation to the spiritual world. Let's call this level seven, and give it the colour indigo, and a title of spirituality. 

This is the pathway through which this blog will gradually progress.

But here and now the pandemic has taken over to let us know how much of our power we had given away to representatives who care more about themselves than they care about us.We can expect to see a huge surge of power as soon as everyone understands that they have been experimented on, and willingly as a result of false information. They will want to take back their power, to be responsible for their own health, education, government and lifestyle, and to be more loving and less fearful.

This pandemic provides a bridge to a better life for all those who are willing to cross it. This is called "The Transition". We covered this in our 2013 articles but will of necessity update those thoughts.

If you like what you read today please subscribe.

See you soon.


PS  Please contact me if you would like details of life coaching.

Thursday 16 April 2020

Why is it all so confusing?

Why is it all so confusing?

We all have our own point of view which is different to everyone else's.

Our own point of view can differ from day to day, and mood to mood.

These differences can be classified into seven distinctly different levels of consciousness. As we mature and learn, our level of consciousness increases. With each increase, we gain the ability to see a bigger picture. As we see our bigger picture, we change our opinions on many previously narrow-minded ideas.

One of the problems of mass media is that people with differing levels of consciousness see the same articles. This results in some in total agreement, some in total opposition and all shades in between.

 We can easily recognize those people with a lower level of consciousness than ourselves. We can empathize with them and often even sympathize with them. We can understand their thinking.

But we have no clue about the levels of consciousness higher than our own. We can recognize people with a lower level of consciousness then ourselves. We can recognize people with an equivalent level of consciousness to ourselves. But we are unable to recognize people with a higher level of consciousness than ourselves. We can see downwards or backward but not upwards or forward.

To give an example, if we imagine our mindset at birth, we see that our awareness was limited to one or two inside locations, and one or two people. We were unaware of anything beyond our immediate vicinity. Let's call this level one, and give it the colour red from the rainbow's seven colours (ROYGBIV), and a title of survival.

As we began to move around, we met more people and visited more locations, and had wider experiences. Let's call this level two, and give it the colour orange, and a title of social. 

Then we went to school, and met children from many different families. We discovered that humans have vast differences, In addition, we received education which caused us to think about aspects of life beyond our own environment. Let's call this level three, and give it the colour yellow, and a title of intellectual.
To be continued tomorrow.

Wednesday 15 April 2020

Muscle Testing

Muscle Testing

Muscle testing is suggested by many yogic and spiritual schools. When first using, it seems most unlikely that it would work.

But once you have tested it yourself  a couple of times, you realise what  a useful tool it is.

  I recommend using the thigh muscle, as it is the largest muscle in the body. 

Sit on the floor or bed with your legs out-stretched in front of you. We are going to ask a question,  raise one leg, and note how far it raises. 

I use a false name to test myself. I say "My name is John", and raise my right leg, noting how far it raises. This is the response position for "no".

I then lower my leg, take a couple of breaths and say "My name is David", as I raise my right leg. I note the position, which is noticeably higher than before. This is the response position for "yes".

Now we know the responses, we can ask any question, so long as we word it so that there can only be a yes/no answer.

With practice,you can receive an answer to any yes/no question.



Tuesday 14 April 2020

Use your own mind to heal yourself

Use your own mind to heal yourself

This example is extremely simple, and extremely effective.
For anyone unfamiliar with the concept of mind over matter, then please see Bruce Lipton's The Biology of Belief.

The first thing to do is to get comfortable and ready for healing.
Do some deep breathing exercises to make sure you are mindful.

Now try to envisage the problem area.

If you have toothache then see the cavity or ulcer in your mind's eye. See it as clearly as possible. If you have back ache, envisage the painful area, and find where the tension is. 

There might be something broken. 
There might be something dirty. 
There might be something diseased.
There might be something over stressed.

Do your best to identify the location of the problem and also if possible the cause of the problem. 

Now you are about to brief a captain and his crew as to the best way to address this problem. 

The crew has a red team of assistants and a white team. They row the lifeboat. The white team are the fighters.They expel invading entities. The red team are cleaners and repairers. 

The captain will familiarise himself with the destination such as tooth,ankle,stomach,lower back and will steer a safe course to the area. There he will stop, and the crew will take a better look.

It there are invaders, then these must be overcome. If there are not enough white crew members to do this, then the red crew will send reinforcements.The battle must end with the invaders vanquished.

Now we must assess the damage. 

A careful and gentle cleaning exercise will take place, with the red team scraping and scrubbing, and the white team acting as garbage collectors. There first task is to  choose a suitable way to eject the rubbish from the body.

The red team will first bring in materials to begin the repair of any damage. If there is significant damage, it may be necessary to return to base for more crew and materials. 

When the structural engineers of the red team have finished, then the plasterers move in to rectify any blemishes. A team of cleaners ensure the area is left spotless.

An inspection crew should visit each day, and if any damage is reported, the exercise must be repeated.

Enough for today.
Tomorrow - how to answer difficult questions.
Please forward to help me find more readers.

Saturday 11 April 2020

There Is No Going Back

There Is No Going Back

Some people expect things to return to normal soon.
But normal is now different.
After three weeks of lock down the mind has already begun to adjust. It has learned many things that it cannot forget.
The consciousness level of the human race has moved up a notch, and the glaring improprieties from the past are no longer acceptable.
Who will volunteer for rush hours and traffic jams again? How ridiculous they were.
No.The reset button has been pressed, and cannot be unpressed.

Now, at long last, you are free to believe in yourself.

For millennia we have operated under the auspices of an agency that wants to control everybody and everything. The agency has been centralising everything through unions like EU and NATO, and various trade groupings. Advancement towards The New World Order seems almost inevitable.

That inevitability would mean the Chinese blueprint will be imposed on the rest of the world which will be controlled by AI, and the AI will be controlled by this long-established agency.

Yes, The NWO is a disgusting thought, and if you can help in preventing this Draconian lifestyle from being imposed on us, then please do so. Those who do nothing are acting as aids  to the NWO. Those who argue against the inevitability of the NWO by pretending it doesn't exist are acting as messengers of NWO. They are not helping humankind.

But luckily humankind's destiny does not end in mind control.
Man was born to be creative and happy, and the time has now come to truly throw off the bondages of slavery, and start doing things we really like to do.
The first thing we can learn is how to be our own teacher. 
Tomorrow I will give you a couple of tips on how to teach yourself, like I did.
Till then

Friday 3 April 2020

Prepare to abandon everything

Prepare to abandon everything

You awake in the morning, and immediately give thanks for a new day in the village of your dreams.

You turn on the water, which is directly fed from a container that you yourself are responsible for – no chemicals!

The water is heated by a solar installation on your roof, with an auxiliary heater powered by a battery that is recharged from the villages central electricity supply – being a combination of a variety of modes of sustainable power generation. Some homes will have independent magnetic power generators.

You flush your toilet, and the waste goes into a village sump where it is processed, and eventually used as fertiliser.

Your house is warm in winter and cool in summer, due to the careful use of insulation, ducting, and heat collection and retention methods.

You eat breakfast, being yesterday's produce from the fields. You feed any uneaten food to the animals.

You wander around your permaculture food forest which is growing just outside your door, and collect whatever you fancy for lunch, noting any new buds and growth that has occurred, and the need for any additional planting or care. You are impressed by the way that, after your several months of hard work, your forest now provides much of your needs.

You browse the local logistics centre's web site, and place your order for anything that you feel you will need today, including food, seeds, plants, building materials equipment or whatever. Anything not immediately available will be highlighted, so that you can replan your day.

You eagerly await the delivery truck which will arrive about lunchtime, with supplies for all projects in the village.

Having taken care of all essentials for the day, it is now time to get down to whatever is your passion. It will inevitably be an activity which creates something that can be traded in some way, and can be counted towards your bank account.

These “hours” spent creating tradeable items are a part of the village local currency, and are used to ensure an equitable distribution of labour. Visitors to the village can purchase village hours using the available global currency, which is exchangeable only in the one village bank, run and controlled by an elected village representative.
When there is a major project like building a house, then each household contributes hours, making houses very inexpensive

You note that you are due to teach a lesson in the afternoon, and feel grateful that you are teaching what you are learning, or already know. No need for text books and other people's ideas. As your teaching lesson immediately follows your learning lesson, you know that you will be able to pass on information rapidly. The speed of learning in the village is far faster than that in any of the old so-called educational institutions.

You note that there is a village meeting later in the week to discuss a potential upgrade to the village power system, now that a free energy device has become economically viable. The research and development guys in the village have been keeping themselves well informed. With so many cooperative experiments taking place around Planet Earth, development of new techniques is very rapid. Constant change, not only with the seasons, but also with new technology, is accepted as an interesting facet of life.

So, an interesting day, including taking care of fresh nutritional sustenance, teaching some permaculture techniques to some youngsters, learning about a new building technique, writing a little more of the latest novel, or adding to some art work, or composing some music, or choreographing a dance.

The evening is spent as a family gathering sometimes a single family, and sometimes with other families, where stories are told, songs are sung, dances are danced, and family or village troubles are discussed and solved.

There are very few health problems in the village, as a result of residents leading healthy lifestyles, but for the few problems that do arise, usually as a result of someone going through an ascension process, then there is help at hand from the variety of healing experts in the village. Often herbs from the food forests are incorporated into the diet to resolve specific bodily problems.

Please tell me about your ideal village. Together maybe we can create a meaningful vision.
Please comment here, or send me an email.