Thursday 16 September 2021

Controlling an Ever-burgeoning Population

 If I had been brought up in a family responsible for world finances,  and eventually became the head of that family, I would have a good long think about what I was going to do.

I would realize that I had to control an ever burgeoning world population and I would know that it is easier to control people who live in fear than it is to control fearless people.

Until I was able to significantly reduce the population I would wish to control the minds of the 7.7 billion people.  I would need to delegate some of that control to other parties. So I would want the world split into countries and each country to have a carefully manipulated government. Authority would be maintained by controlling the funds of each country through their central bank, which I own.

 By determining who is and who isn't in charge of the various governments then I would have strong control over the thoughts and minds of the people.

I would complete my mind control of the public by carefully vetting all media and news to which the public has access. Control of government selection would be maintained by ensuring control of the two major parties at each election. I would ensure that candidates who disagreed with my methods were not elected whilst allowing the public to believe that they have some control over their own destiny, which of course they do not.

This allows me to put forward one paradigm as if no other paradigm could ever have existed. In order to ensure that there was no discussion about the current paradigm I would need a method to quieten any known dissenters.  This would be done through the various secret services attached to each of the governments, and reporting directly to me.

As far as education is concerned we have already succeeded in adopting a standard set of rules throughout academia and this is working well to prevent people from discovering any alternative paradigm. We will continue with the same kind of education even though we know that to truly learn something you must experience it yourself. This is why we lock school children into school rooms from the age of 5 to make sure that they have very little personal experience and next to no chance of discovering their own personal truth.

In recent years we have succeeded in devaluing the college degree to the extent now that it's considered quite normal to borrow money to follow a Bachelor's degree with a master's degree and then to further follow with PhD. The subject matter of most PhDs today is a laughable.

Then we come to medicine.This is a hugely profitable industry in which only recognized players are allowed to take part. Alternative natural healing is hidden as much as possible from the public, thus increasing the already vast profits of the pharmaceutical companies. Medical topics that could assist the public, like cures for cancer are hidden or ridiculed, to ensure that the profits of the cancer business continue to grow.

So it seems that the current world control by the world's richest family is following somewhat predictable lines, with little apparent challenge being visible. And the vast majority of people continue to believe that they are free, which is just what I want them to believe. If anyone suggests that the above is true, I just ridicule them and call them a conspiracy theorist. That way, they fail to be inquistive, and my secret system of control continues as it has for the past 200 years.

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