Thursday 22 October 2020

latest updates on Covid19 thinking

Latest Updates on Covid19 Thinking

This blog contains the latest updates on Covid19 thinking

Read carefully - masks, social distancing  unnecessary, tests 94% unreliable etc etc

Less Covid 19 deaths than usual annual flu deaths etc etc etc

Covid 19 is not a dangerous disease, in fact less dangerous than seasonal flu.

The world's citizenry is under attack from a conglomerate consisting of the Rothschild's, President Xi of China, Bill Gates, Soros and a few Big Tech CEOs and other billionaires.

There seems to be  only one chance of defeating their objective of The New World Order.

There is a plan to maintain world population below 500,000

The world take-over plan was started over 200 years ago

We can choose the odds of thirteen out of fourteen who will die, or we can do something about the situation NOW.

Just saying "conspiracy theory" and hoping it will go away has failed. The conspiracy is real, it is huge, and it affects you and me already. Never before have so many people had their freedoms restricted. Just a minor example of what is to come.

We may be aware already, but if not once we have pushed aside all of our egocentric objections eventually we will understand what is really happening. Then we will want to take immediate action.

The usual first action is to tell as many people as possible.

They will call you a conspiracy theorist at best, and crazy at worst, but they too will eventually wake up to the reality of what this Covid thing is all about - the death of 6.5 billion people!

Please do your own research on New World Order bearing in mind that the truth is hidden by Big Tech who are in on the world take-over game.

I am happy to try to answer any constructive questions

Kind regards


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