Tuesday 18 August 2020

The Best News You Ever Heard _ Fauci OUT

With grateful thanks to Peter Myers.

Fauci out, Atlas in. Stop the Panic and end the total Isolation


The march of The New World Order seemed unstoppable.

It seemed almost inevitable that we would have mandatory vaccinations. 

And then Fauci was fired. Atlas, the new guy, seems to have the interest of the people at heart, as opposed to Fauci's interests of the New World Order. Suddenly the NWO steam-roller has ground to a halt.

Atlas is quite aware that COVID 19 is another form of the common cold, and should be treated as such.

Of course it will take time for all the dilatory institutions to catch up with the news, but we can look forward to getting our lives back within the next few weeks.

I would suggest throwing a mask party where all the masks are burned.



Good News: Fauci’s Out and Common Sense Might Be Returning


Why is this most important piece of news not reported in mainstream media?

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