Wednesday 6 May 2020

So if it's not health reasons,why are we locked up?

So if it's not health reasons,why are we locked up?

Our previous article suggested that we should all resume a normal life as soon as possible.
Today we will look at the reasons to get out of the house now. 

First and foremost, sunshine.
We have covered the benefits of sunshine several times in the past, but to recap take a look at

Secondly, fresh air. 
Our immune system benefits considerably from breathing fresh unconditioned outside air. We weaken our immune systems by constantly rebreathing the same air.

Thirdly, society.
Man is a social animal, and on the most-part functions better when in the company of like-minded people. Staying in isolation with no new input adds to nervous tension. This creates stress which has been reported as the cause of 90% of all diseases. (CDC)

Fourthly, diet.
Eating the same kinds of food all the time is not what the body needs. The body needs variety in order to receive the necessary 48 trace elements that keep us going.

Fifthly, sleep.
By staying isolated with nothing to regulate our behaviour, then our sleep patterns are likely to change. For some the change might be for the better, but for most the results of an interrupted sleep pattern are lack of energy, idleness, and susceptibility to disease.

There are five extremely helpful reasons why we should cease this mind-controlling lock-up.

Now we know the reasons for the lock-up are not health reasons, and we know that being locked up is bad for our health. we would logically concentrate on solving that dilemma.

More soon on how to take back control of our own lives

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