Sunday 26 April 2020

Laying the coronavirus pandemic to rest

Let's try to lay this coronavirus pandemic to rest. 

I am not a doctor or scientist. I am a logician and visionary.


Firstly, let's understand that all the numbers are probably wildly inaccurate. Just stay with me and if you think I am wrong, please tell me.

When I had symptoms
I didn't go to a doctor and everything passed OK.

 I believe there are probably hundreds of thousands more who would have tested positive if they had gone to the doctor or hospital and taken a test. 

As more tests facilities are made available, then more positives become apparent. 

So we would expect the numbers to ramp up simply because more tests are being done. 

If you don't agree, please read again slowly, before moving on. This is pure mathematical logic - nothing else.

But how are symptoms determined?

 According to information gathered from researchers in China, the most comon symptoms among people who had COVID-19 include:
  • Fever 83%-99%
  • Cough 59%-82%
  • Fatigue 44%-70%
  • Lack of appetite 40%-84%
  • Shortness of breath 31%-40%
  • Mucus/phlegm 28%-33%
  • Body aches 11%-35%
In other words, most things are asymptomatic of Covid-19 and warrant a test. 

The quality of tests varies from manufacturer to manufacturer but none are 100% reliable.

For these reasons I suggest that the closure of the world economy based on the statistics for Covid-19 infections and deaths is like a nun on a clown's back - virgin' on insanity.

How would we account for the apparent increase in deaths.

People do die. There are several reasons for a doctor to write Covid 19 as the cause of death. 

US hospitals get an extra $13,000 if they diagnose a death as COVID-19,and an additional $39,000 if they use a ventilator.

If you have been diagnosed with a fatal disease and tested positive for Covid 19, the fatal disease will not be mentioned on the death certificate. Once tested positive for Covid 19, it is impossible to die from anything else. A cancer death is counted as Covid 19 if the patient had previously tested positive.

Having ascertained the above facts, my decision was delayed due to reports of New York hospitals being full to overflowing. Then the two eminent doctors in the above video set me straight by  explaining that it is flu season, and there are always huge numbers of people admitted to hospitals at this time of year. New York is a particularly contagious place due the proximity and volume of commuters.

 All people from all countries?

 Secondly - There appears to be little information to refute the All "people all countries" official approach..We are told that a high percentage of those who have died were old or infirm. But there are no real statistics.
It seems that there are more infections and deaths in cold countries. But there are no statistics available.
It seems that those who had a flu vaccination were more affected but there are no statistics available.
Why is it so difficult to find out at what temperature coronavirus dies?

We are working with insufficient data to close down a total world economy

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