Monday 11 May 2020

Why am I a prisoner in my own home?

Why am I a prisoner in my own home?

The Scene

The evolution of human civilisation will reach a peak moment within a VERY short time period.

It is quite likely that the secret war will be played out in the open.

The outrageous audacity of the one side to suggest that mandatory vaccination is essential indicates just how insane and powerful these people are.

Millions of hours are spent every day by people trying to ascertain the truth and every day more people are discovering that they have been hoaxed.

The Problem

Knowing the truth is almost impossible. However proving a lie is a far more simple task.

The truth depends on the point of view. If we expect a negative result, we can usually find one.

So let's try to imagine what happens in the minds of people who believe that all man are inclined to evil rather than good.

I feel that we all prefer to live in the belief that all men are good.

Unfortunately the present paradigm on which our thoughts and lifestyles are based was evolved in different thinking.

The actual words from the meeting which instigated the current regime of world control are reported as follows.

And now, the piece de resistance, Rothschild's actual words, first written, and then spoken to the gathering.
In 1773 (3 years before
Weishaupt’s revised plan):

"He invited twelve other wealthy and influential men to meet him in Frankfort"
After the general introduction to build up an enthusiastic reception for the plot he was about to unfold, Rothschild turned to a manuscript and proceeded to read a carefully prepared plan of action.  The following is what I have been assured is a condensed version of the plot by which the conspirators hoped to obtain ultimate undisputed control of the wealth, natural resources, and man-power of the entire world.

  The speaker started to unfold the plot by saying that because the majority of men were inclined to evil rather than to good the best results in governing them could be obtained by using violence and terrorism and not by academic discussions. 

  This opening false assumption has caused the evolution of humankind to be delayed. Only now are the people beginning to awaken to the fact that their lives are being manipulated. Once someone has been imprisoned, as in locked in the house, then a certain amount of introspection is inevitable.

Why am I a prisoner in my own home? 

The simple answer is that over the years we have delegated our responsibilities to other people. We expect others to look after our health and education. We expect to be provided for if we fall on hard times. Now there is too much power in too few hands.

One of the unfortunate aspects of concentrating this power in evil hands, is that people's minds are manipulated to believe th controller's story.
An important belief in the world today is the belief that vaccines can save the world. That would be a complete miracle.

After two decades of searching for scientific proof that vaccination has saved a life, I find none. There is no scientific proof that the theory of vaccination works. Why? Two reasons. One - Because it doesn't work! Two because no proper double-blind tests have  been carried out, ever, on any vaccination. Not one single vaccine has been properly tested.

I therefore conclude that vaccination is unlikely to have saved any lives.

But it has ruined many lives. Over four billion dollars has been paid out by the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, so any claim that vaccination does not cause harm is invalid.
If you would like to see  the research, then see  here.

More very soon in this fast moving epic story of life in 2020
Comments welcome. Everyone needs help to get over this enormous hurdle.
Important news breaking.


  1. If vaccines don't work, why don't we still see cases of polio crippling children?

  2. If, as you assert, vaccines don't work, why don't we still see cases of polio crippling children?

  3. If you are REALLY interested in this topic, you can see 20 years of my research work, including 200 years of history The authorities remove videos that don't agree with their hoax. Kind regards David
