Saturday 11 April 2020

There Is No Going Back

There Is No Going Back

Some people expect things to return to normal soon.
But normal is now different.
After three weeks of lock down the mind has already begun to adjust. It has learned many things that it cannot forget.
The consciousness level of the human race has moved up a notch, and the glaring improprieties from the past are no longer acceptable.
Who will volunteer for rush hours and traffic jams again? How ridiculous they were.
No.The reset button has been pressed, and cannot be unpressed.

Now, at long last, you are free to believe in yourself.

For millennia we have operated under the auspices of an agency that wants to control everybody and everything. The agency has been centralising everything through unions like EU and NATO, and various trade groupings. Advancement towards The New World Order seems almost inevitable.

That inevitability would mean the Chinese blueprint will be imposed on the rest of the world which will be controlled by AI, and the AI will be controlled by this long-established agency.

Yes, The NWO is a disgusting thought, and if you can help in preventing this Draconian lifestyle from being imposed on us, then please do so. Those who do nothing are acting as aids  to the NWO. Those who argue against the inevitability of the NWO by pretending it doesn't exist are acting as messengers of NWO. They are not helping humankind.

But luckily humankind's destiny does not end in mind control.
Man was born to be creative and happy, and the time has now come to truly throw off the bondages of slavery, and start doing things we really like to do.
The first thing we can learn is how to be our own teacher. 
Tomorrow I will give you a couple of tips on how to teach yourself, like I did.
Till then


  1. I admire your standing in a world made different by a "bug". Your ramblings are too idealistic for the modern world. We humans tend to want to be led. Like the ants, it takes leadership and a common goal. As individuals, we are called to do just that, we are to follow whoever, whatever appears to be the answer at the present time. Unlike you, us average citizens fear striking out on our own to test theories and parameters. I am one of these average people. I DO like that your blog has a hint of inspiration for "me". Call it selfish if your wish but I appreciate your willingness to share. The Western world has no idea of the struggles you did endure as a youngster. Maybe, those trials were a catalyst for all your accomplishments. Any chance that you could reveal more insight into the making and therefore the makeup of the man who did all of these things? I wish to understand the man and not just his awards to date. Again, I find your comments unacceptable to the modern world and a little too Science Fiction wherein even there, one will find factory workers and street cleaners, cooks etc.. Reespectfully: Doc'

  2. Dear Doc,
    I agree "my ramblings" are not suitable for the modern world.
    But that is the whole point.The "modern" era is finished over,and we have now moved into anew era. The thinking tht made sense in the modern era no longer makes sense.

    This new era is not founded in fear, but in love. When we are eventually able to remove all the fear, then we are able to tune in to the vibrations of the new paradigm that I envisage and describe.
    The reason people need to be led is that the have not yet found themselves. They are unaware of the great potential that they have. My book "Find Yourself" helps with this.
