Friday 3 April 2020

Prepare to abandon everything

Prepare to abandon everything

You awake in the morning, and immediately give thanks for a new day in the village of your dreams.

You turn on the water, which is directly fed from a container that you yourself are responsible for – no chemicals!

The water is heated by a solar installation on your roof, with an auxiliary heater powered by a battery that is recharged from the villages central electricity supply – being a combination of a variety of modes of sustainable power generation. Some homes will have independent magnetic power generators.

You flush your toilet, and the waste goes into a village sump where it is processed, and eventually used as fertiliser.

Your house is warm in winter and cool in summer, due to the careful use of insulation, ducting, and heat collection and retention methods.

You eat breakfast, being yesterday's produce from the fields. You feed any uneaten food to the animals.

You wander around your permaculture food forest which is growing just outside your door, and collect whatever you fancy for lunch, noting any new buds and growth that has occurred, and the need for any additional planting or care. You are impressed by the way that, after your several months of hard work, your forest now provides much of your needs.

You browse the local logistics centre's web site, and place your order for anything that you feel you will need today, including food, seeds, plants, building materials equipment or whatever. Anything not immediately available will be highlighted, so that you can replan your day.

You eagerly await the delivery truck which will arrive about lunchtime, with supplies for all projects in the village.

Having taken care of all essentials for the day, it is now time to get down to whatever is your passion. It will inevitably be an activity which creates something that can be traded in some way, and can be counted towards your bank account.

These “hours” spent creating tradeable items are a part of the village local currency, and are used to ensure an equitable distribution of labour. Visitors to the village can purchase village hours using the available global currency, which is exchangeable only in the one village bank, run and controlled by an elected village representative.
When there is a major project like building a house, then each household contributes hours, making houses very inexpensive

You note that you are due to teach a lesson in the afternoon, and feel grateful that you are teaching what you are learning, or already know. No need for text books and other people's ideas. As your teaching lesson immediately follows your learning lesson, you know that you will be able to pass on information rapidly. The speed of learning in the village is far faster than that in any of the old so-called educational institutions.

You note that there is a village meeting later in the week to discuss a potential upgrade to the village power system, now that a free energy device has become economically viable. The research and development guys in the village have been keeping themselves well informed. With so many cooperative experiments taking place around Planet Earth, development of new techniques is very rapid. Constant change, not only with the seasons, but also with new technology, is accepted as an interesting facet of life.

So, an interesting day, including taking care of fresh nutritional sustenance, teaching some permaculture techniques to some youngsters, learning about a new building technique, writing a little more of the latest novel, or adding to some art work, or composing some music, or choreographing a dance.

The evening is spent as a family gathering sometimes a single family, and sometimes with other families, where stories are told, songs are sung, dances are danced, and family or village troubles are discussed and solved.

There are very few health problems in the village, as a result of residents leading healthy lifestyles, but for the few problems that do arise, usually as a result of someone going through an ascension process, then there is help at hand from the variety of healing experts in the village. Often herbs from the food forests are incorporated into the diet to resolve specific bodily problems.

Please tell me about your ideal village. Together maybe we can create a meaningful vision.
Please comment here, or send me an email.

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