Tuesday 14 April 2020

Use your own mind to heal yourself

Use your own mind to heal yourself

This example is extremely simple, and extremely effective.
For anyone unfamiliar with the concept of mind over matter, then please see Bruce Lipton's The Biology of Belief.

The first thing to do is to get comfortable and ready for healing.
Do some deep breathing exercises to make sure you are mindful.

Now try to envisage the problem area.

If you have toothache then see the cavity or ulcer in your mind's eye. See it as clearly as possible. If you have back ache, envisage the painful area, and find where the tension is. 

There might be something broken. 
There might be something dirty. 
There might be something diseased.
There might be something over stressed.

Do your best to identify the location of the problem and also if possible the cause of the problem. 

Now you are about to brief a captain and his crew as to the best way to address this problem. 

The crew has a red team of assistants and a white team. They row the lifeboat. The white team are the fighters.They expel invading entities. The red team are cleaners and repairers. 

The captain will familiarise himself with the destination such as tooth,ankle,stomach,lower back and will steer a safe course to the area. There he will stop, and the crew will take a better look.

It there are invaders, then these must be overcome. If there are not enough white crew members to do this, then the red crew will send reinforcements.The battle must end with the invaders vanquished.

Now we must assess the damage. 

A careful and gentle cleaning exercise will take place, with the red team scraping and scrubbing, and the white team acting as garbage collectors. There first task is to  choose a suitable way to eject the rubbish from the body.

The red team will first bring in materials to begin the repair of any damage. If there is significant damage, it may be necessary to return to base for more crew and materials. 

When the structural engineers of the red team have finished, then the plasterers move in to rectify any blemishes. A team of cleaners ensure the area is left spotless.

An inspection crew should visit each day, and if any damage is reported, the exercise must be repeated.

Enough for today.
Tomorrow - how to answer difficult questions.
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