Saturday 18 July 2020

Backing Away From The Insanity - Covid not contagious


The handling of the Covid 19 virus includes devastating isolating and masking effects which have led to a bigger pandemic called insanity.

It seems that now the insanity has been understood by so many parties, the WHO is trying to back-pedal without actually saying what they should say. There is only one possible response from this corrupt organisation, who should never be heard of again. The acceptable response is 

"We were all wrong. We lied. We resign wholesale and close down the WHO immediately."

This is what the people on the streets should be protesting about instead of arguing about which toilet to use or whether you have a good sun tan or not.

Watch this newsclip where the official WHO excuse-giver makes the announcement.

The World Health Organisation (Who were they) now admits that it was completely wrong. Covid 19 is very rarely contagious so there is no need for masks and social distancing. It can all stop right now, and some attempt made to resume normal life.

"From the data we have it still seems to be rare that an asymptomatic person actually transmits onwards to a secondary individual." 
 Asymptomatic is medical terminology for normal or healthy.
Now maybe all those people, especially the Brits,who had been driven insane by fear can start to think straight again.
So now what shall we talk about?

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