Thursday 16 April 2020

Why is it all so confusing?

Why is it all so confusing?

We all have our own point of view which is different to everyone else's.

Our own point of view can differ from day to day, and mood to mood.

These differences can be classified into seven distinctly different levels of consciousness. As we mature and learn, our level of consciousness increases. With each increase, we gain the ability to see a bigger picture. As we see our bigger picture, we change our opinions on many previously narrow-minded ideas.

One of the problems of mass media is that people with differing levels of consciousness see the same articles. This results in some in total agreement, some in total opposition and all shades in between.

 We can easily recognize those people with a lower level of consciousness than ourselves. We can empathize with them and often even sympathize with them. We can understand their thinking.

But we have no clue about the levels of consciousness higher than our own. We can recognize people with a lower level of consciousness then ourselves. We can recognize people with an equivalent level of consciousness to ourselves. But we are unable to recognize people with a higher level of consciousness than ourselves. We can see downwards or backward but not upwards or forward.

To give an example, if we imagine our mindset at birth, we see that our awareness was limited to one or two inside locations, and one or two people. We were unaware of anything beyond our immediate vicinity. Let's call this level one, and give it the colour red from the rainbow's seven colours (ROYGBIV), and a title of survival.

As we began to move around, we met more people and visited more locations, and had wider experiences. Let's call this level two, and give it the colour orange, and a title of social. 

Then we went to school, and met children from many different families. We discovered that humans have vast differences, In addition, we received education which caused us to think about aspects of life beyond our own environment. Let's call this level three, and give it the colour yellow, and a title of intellectual.
To be continued tomorrow.

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