Saturday 31 August 2013

Potential of World War commencing in Syria

This is probably the best analysis you can see regarding the potential
of World War commencing in Syria.
We are at one of the most crucial moments for mankind in the last fifty years. 
I give huge thanks to Peter Myers for his analysis of the Syrian situation, as follows:
American attack on Syria based on Israeli Intelligence. Chomsky, Trots, Anarchists & Greens mostly back rebels

This bulletin is available for download as a WORD file from

I have switched to .doc so that the bold formatting will show up.

(1) Experts not convinced; Why would Assad invite UN inspectors, then use chemical weapons the very day they arrive?
(2) US media claim Intercepted Phone Call as evidence about Chemical Weapons
(3) John Whitbeck: intelligence for attack on Syria was provided by Mossad
(4) WSJ touts "Israeli intelligence indicating movement of Syrian chemical weapons"
(5) US claims about Syria Chemical Weapons are based on intelligence supplied by Mossad
(6) UN only mandated to determine IF chemical weapons were used, not WHO used them
(7) Russian ambassador to UN: two rockets carrying toxic chemicals were fired from Douma, controlled by Syrian "rebels"
(8) Assad claims a strong link between Israel and Syria rebels
(9) Anger in Middle East over Israeli airstrike on Syria (May)
(10) Israeli submarine responsible for July attack on Syrian arms depot - report
(11) Israel is Fighting a Regional War in Syria
(12) Joseph Lieberman calls for US to intervene in Syria as it did in Libya
(13) Greek Orthodox Archbishop: Syria rebels serve Israeli project to control the Middle East
(14) Authoritarian regimes (Saudi Arabia, Qatar) sponsor Democracy in Syria??
(15) EU votes to allow arms shipments to Syrian rebels
(16) Tyler Durden: Syria grand plan (from Wikileaks); US Training Rebels since 2011
(17) Zbigniew Brzezinski condemns Syria war plan
(18) UN debate stalls US attack on Syria
(19) UK parliament votes against PM's war plan, mindful of Iraq WMD deception
(20) Gangster State US/UK — Paul Craig Roberts
(21) Chomsky says US & Israel not backing Syria rebels; Left critics should be ignored
(22) Socialist Worker (Trotskyist, US) condemns Assad
(23) Socialist Worker (Trotskyist, US): Left must support Syria rebels
(24) Socialist Worker (Trotskyist, US) condemns US threatened military assault
(25) Socialist Alliance (Trot, Australia) rejects US assault but supports rebels against Assad "tyranny"
(26) Socialist Alternative (Trot, Australia): US & Israel are not supporting Syria rebels
(27) Red Pepper (Trotskyist / Anarchist, UK) backs Syrian rebels
(28) Australian Greens says more Syria sanctions needed (2012)
(29) European Greens motion condemns "violent and indiscriminate attacks by the Syrian regime"
(30) European Greens: No military intervention in Syria before UN mission reports its findings
(31) WSWS Trots: Syria chemical attack is pretext for US military assault
(32) WSWS Trots: Syrian rebels used chemical weapons
(33) Russian Missile Plan Chills Chances for Syrian No-Fly Zone
-- Peter Myers
381 Goodwood Rd
Childers Qld 4660
ph. in Australia 07 41170125
ph. from overseas: +61 7 41170125
Skype Name: petermyersaus - or search for peter gerard myers

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