Friday 9 September 2011

The story of my life

The story of my life

As the two occupants of a rally car roll over the finish ramp having won an international rally, the emotion in the car is one of unconditional love. Each knows this experience could not be achieved without the other, to the extent that they experience the moment as one.

By repeating this as often as possible, and in different maybe less stressful circumstances, it gradually becomes possible to feel at one with more people, and animals, and things, until we eventually know that we are at one with the world.

Pace notes available at: Human Evo II
When everyone is at one with each other, no one governs another.

While people no longer need governing, they will still feel in need for guidance, and they will be fully aware of the false guidance that they have previously received.

They will have learned that there is a form of guidance that provides an umbrella over good folk and bad, and which can be listened to in quieter moments. They will all jointly prefer this kind of guidance, because no-one in thousands of years has ever found this guidance to be bad.

Books available at:
Enlightening Books

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